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Welcome to the Outlook 2007 MAPI Reference

The Outlook 2007 MAPI Reference just went live on the MSDN. The docs are propagating their way through the servers, and should start showing up in the table of contents and searches soon. [update: propagation is complete - Live and Google should reindex soon]

This is the MAPI documentation refresh I've been talking about for the last few months. The short version of the story is that the Exchange team was ready to cut the MAPI documentation loose, but the Outlook team wanted to keep it around, so we had to transfer ownership from one team to another. Now, we could have just moved the docs from one node to another and been done with it, but instead we figured this would be a good time to scrub the docs and fix a lot of long standing technical, formatting and art issues.

Some highlights:

  • The What's New page: documents what's been added, changed, and removed from the docs. Notably, CMC and CDO documentation was cut, and nearly a thousand properties were added.
  • The Samples page: points to a number of updated MAPI samples, including MFCMAPI itself, which now has a go link:
  • The Properties node: Under this node you'll find a massive list of properties. We started with the original list from Exchange's MAPI documentation, and added just about every property we could think of. If a property is mentioned in the Exchange Protocol documentation, it's most likely documented here.
  • The Interfaces node: This is where you'll find all the MAPI interfaces, such as IMAPIProp. All interface documentation has been scrubbed, and many include references to where you can find the interface used in MFCMAPI.

My favorite addition to the MAPI documentation though, is the "Community Content" banner now on every page. Did we leave something out? Was there something we should have said about a particular property? Just add it to the bottom of the article. This is a great way to keep the content up to date, and we will be paying attention to the comments posted. If we get a chance to do another refresh down the road we may even incorporate the feedback.

Update: Angela is talking about this as well.
