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Steve Cook's WebLog

UML 2.5 Beta now available

The beta version of UML 2.5 is now available at ...

Date: 10/30/2012

UML 2.4.1 now released

When UML 2.4 was released we discovered an issue that meant it was impossible to interchange...

Date: 10/24/2011

Back from Salt Lake City: now we have a plan for more flexible UML profiles

Last week I was at the OMG meeting in Salt Lake City. A high point of the meeting was issuing a...

Date: 06/27/2011

Preparing for the next OMG meeting

I’ll be off to Salt Lake City in a couple of weeks for the next OMG meeting. One thing I’m going to...

Date: 06/03/2011

UML Progress Report

I just finished participating in the OMG meeting in Arlington. Our work on UML 2.5 is moving along,...

Date: 03/28/2011

New Sample: Linking UML elements to diagrams in Visual Studio Ultimate

Alan Wills has created a new sample that pulls together several of the capabilities of our...

Date: 02/21/2011

UML 2.4 is complete

Finally we have completed all of the technical processes for creating UML 2.4. Now it just has to go...

Date: 01/26/2011

UML 3 dilemmas

I’m back from the OMG meeting in Santa Clara. We talked a lot about the future of UML. Just about...

Date: 12/13/2010

XMI 2.1 Export for VS2010 UML Tools

There is an XMI 2.1 Exporter now available for VS2010 UML Tools. It is available as source code in...

Date: 11/26/2010

Hurtling back from Paris

I’m currently hurtling through the French countryside at some significant fraction of the speed of...

Date: 11/26/2010

Use cases for UML

I had a conversation recently in which the following three use cases for UML were suggested: UML as...

Date: 11/18/2010

The story of UML

Jean Bézivin is telling the story of UML on his blog. His post on How to choose the good ingredients...

Date: 11/15/2010

UML for mainstream developers

I’d like to explore the idea that UML could be made more useful to mainstream developers if it were...

Date: 10/19/2010

Back from the OMG meeting in Cambridge

I just arrived back from the Object Management Group’s September meeting in Cambridge (the one...

Date: 09/27/2010

Domain Specific Development book website updated for VS2010

Our DSL Tools book website at has been updated with...

Date: 08/20/2010

The Road Ahead for UML

I have co-written a paper about the future of UML with Ivar Jacobson. You can find it here. Let me...

Date: 06/07/2010

Syntropy book available online

Back in 1994 I co-authored a book on modelling with my colleague John Daniels. We called our...

Date: 04/23/2010

Why I signed up for SEMAT

I’ve recently become a signatory to SEMAT (Software Engineering Method and Theory). They’ve been...

Date: 04/02/2010

Another OMG meeting is over

I’ve just finished the OMG meeting in Jacksonville. I got my first taste of the Board of Directors:...

Date: 03/26/2010

Speaking at Microsoft Architect Insight Conference

I shall be speaking at the Microsoft Architect Insight Conference on 31st March, soon after arriving...

Date: 01/29/2010

Visual Studio 2010 and .Net Framework Beta 2 is available

We’ve all been working very hard on beta 2 which is now available – see Cameron's announcement. I’ve...

Date: 10/20/2009

Closing date for "Future Development of UML" RFI and workshop is 17th August

Reminder: the closing date for submissions to the Future Development of UML RFI is the 17th August....

Date: 07/31/2009

UML Structured Classes part 2

Last time I explained about Parts using a small example. But the idea of Parts can extend equally...

Date: 06/23/2009

UML Structured Classes part 1

Recently I have spend quite a lot of time working out proposals to fix problems in the definition of...

Date: 06/17/2009

The Oslo team are implementing UML 2

Keith Short has announced that the next Oslo CTP will include support for loading UML models into...

Date: 05/28/2009

VS 2010 DSL SDK Beta1

Following close on the heels of VS2010 Beta1, we've announced the corresponding DSL SDK (oh those...

Date: 05/22/2009

Ages of silence

I see I haven't written anything here since February. I've been very busy on two main fronts - lots...

Date: 05/21/2009

Alan is blogging again

Alan Cameron Wills has started blogging about UML for Agile Development. This should be...

Date: 02/02/2009

Future Development of UML RFI issued by OMG

Last week I attended the OMG's technical meeting in Santa Clara. I was pleased that the Analysis and...

Date: 12/15/2008

Data is a mass noun

Datum is singular. Data is plural. So we ought to talk about these data and many data and fewer...

Date: 11/27/2008

Explicit Design

Cameron has been blogging about new features in our product.. In a recent post he used the term...

Date: 11/27/2008

Oslo topics

Keith Short has been blogging about Oslo and the DSL Toolkit and Oslo's use of model-driven...

Date: 11/21/2008

New features for DSL Tools in Visual Studio 2010

Stuart has blogged about the new features expected in DSL Tools in VS 2010. There's plenty new...

Date: 11/05/2008

UML Syntax and Semantics

So what really is the difference between syntax and semantics in UML? Firstly there is the notation,...

Date: 11/02/2008

Architecture Edition Videos

If you want more details about the tools we're building, Cameron Skinner gives an overview of the...

Date: 10/21/2008

Class Diagrams

The most familiar UML diagram is the class diagram. A class diagram can mean many different things....

Date: 10/13/2008

UML and DSLs

So is UML really contradictory to DSLs? Do they really represent different philosophies? I don’t...

Date: 10/07/2008

Rejoining the OMG – UML and beyond

Last week I attended an OMG meeting for the first time in almost 6 years. If you don’t know, the OMG...

Date: 09/29/2008

Eyal joins the team

A slightly belated hello to Eyal who has joined the DSL Tools team in Cambridge. Welcome Eyal!

Date: 09/19/2008

Microsoft joins the OMG

We've just announced our membership of the Object Management Group. As Cameron says, I shall be at...

Date: 09/11/2008

Visual Studio 2008 SDK 1.1 has been released

See the VSX team blog.

Date: 08/21/2008

DSL Book Website updated

The website for our DSL book has been updated - thanks Gareth. This includes downloadable versions...

Date: 07/23/2008

Code Generation 2008

Slides from the CG2008 conference are posted here. Clemens Reijnen blogged about it, and is posting...

Date: 07/21/2008

I’ve got a new job working on DSLs and UML!

Having spent a year in the Visual Studio Ecosystem team helping to integrate the DSL Tools deeper...

Date: 06/25/2008

Keeping busy

James and Jean-Marc are kicking off their European tour in Brussels. Gareth has found some more...

Date: 05/20/2008

A new member of the team!

Jean-Marc has joined our team! He brings some great new ideas and energy to what we're doing and I'm...

Date: 04/18/2008

Extra entries on the undo stack

I spent some of this afternoon looking at a problem reported on the VSX forum. The questioner has...

Date: 04/14/2008
