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Continuing the evolution of the Microsoft MVP Award!

Back in October 2015, I announced the first step in a broad vision to transform the MVP Award program. Since then, you have provided a great deal of feedback on how we could take this vision further. Thank you for your feedback. Now, with the arrival of 2017, this is the perfect moment to share with you the next step in the evolution of the MVP Award program.

For most of the program’s existence, the MVP review model has been based on four award cycles per year. This never truly provided us with the agility to quickly recognize community leaders and technical experts as Microsoft MVPs. In addition, we ended up having four sub-groups.  We hear all the time “I am a January MVP”, or “I am an April MVP”.  That’s not our goal – we want a unified program, providing a consistent experience. To that end, we heard your feedback and that is all about to change.

Beginning today, we are going to recognize new MVPs every single month. We want great people to join the program as fast as possible! At the same time, to simplify our re-award process, we are going annual. Just one re-award cycle per year. Every July 1st all renewals will happen with one unified celebration when we recognize all our renewing MVPs.

We know that by nature MVPs love to learn new technologies and skills, often ahead of others. You then process that information and you share.  This is how you truly help the community. As part of our commitment to continuously improve, we are also adding new benefits to the program focused on enabling new learning opportunities for you.

We have recorded a special announcement video below which provides greater detail about these updates and I invite you to watch it. If you are an MVP I hope you are as excited as we are about these improvements. The team will be taking questions you might have on the MVP Yammer Network. If you aspire to become an MVP, I encourage you to check out what the MVP Award is and nominate yourself or someone that you believe deserves this recognition.

Together, we are working to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. Without your partnership, the MVP Award would not be the pillar that it is today in the technical industry. I want to personally thank you for your passion, your community leadership, and especially the feedback you have provided directly to me and to my team.



  • Anonymous
    February 01, 2017
    Wow. This is an exciting time! :) Let's rock!