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Stuart Leeks

Stuart Leeks - Web and Cloud Geek

ASP.NET MVC: Adding client-side validation to PropertiesMustMatchAttribute in ASP.NET MVC 3 Preview 1

This is the fourth post in what is becoming a mini-series: ASP.NET MVC: Adding client-side...

Author: stuartle Date: 08/11/2010

ASP.NET MVC: Adding client-side validation to PropertiesMustMatchAttribute

This is the third post in what is becoming a mini-series: ASP.NET MVC: Adding client-side validation...

Author: stuartle Date: 08/06/2010

ASP.NET MVC: Adding client-side validation to ValidatePasswordLengthAttribute in ASP.NET MVC 3 Preview 1

This is the second post in what has become a mini-series: ASP.NET MVC: Adding client-side validation...

Author: stuartle Date: 07/28/2010

ASP.NET MVC: Adding client-side validation to ValidatePasswordLengthAttribute

This is the first post in what has become a mini-series: ASP.NET MVC: Adding client-side validation...

Author: stuartle Date: 07/27/2010

ASP.NET MVC - Creating a DropDownList helper for enums

Do the types you work with in your ASP.NET MVC models ever have enums? Mine do from time to time and...

Author: stuartle Date: 05/21/2010

Collections and ASP.NET MVC Templated Helpers – Part 4

This is part of a mini-series: Part 1 – Define the problem & give a workaround Part 2 – Show an...

Author: stuartle Date: 05/18/2010

Javascript Coding Standards

I recently worked with my colleague Simon Ince to assemble some coding standards for javascript....

Author: stuartle Date: 05/10/2010

Unity 2.0 – Automatic Builders

Contents Automatic Factories Property Injection Container.BuildUp Introducing “Automatic Builders”...

Author: stuartle Date: 04/28/2010

Author: stuartle Date: 04/19/2010

Collections and ASP.NET MVC Templated Helpers – Part 3

This is part of a mini-series: Part 1 – Define the problem & give a workaround Part 2 – Show an...

Author: stuartle Date: 04/01/2010

Collections and ASP.NET MVC Templated Helpers – Part 2

This is part of a mini-series: Part 1 – Define the problem & give a workaround Part 2 – Show an...

Author: stuartle Date: 03/30/2010

Collections and ASP.NET MVC Templated Helpers (DisplayFor/EditorFor)

This is part of a mini-series: Part 1 – Define the problem & give a workaround Part 2 – Show an...

Author: stuartle Date: 03/30/2010

jQuery IntelliSense in Visual Studio

I was working on a web site last night and my javascript IntelliSense wasn’t kicking in. I asked...

Author: stuartle Date: 02/19/2010

Entity Framework 4: POCO and Foreign Keys in Beta 2 – updates not persisted

Whilst preparing some demos for a customer session on Entity Framework 4 recently, I was putting...

Author: stuartle Date: 12/09/2009

Capturing pop-up windows with Web Test Recorder in Internet Explorer 8 (IE8)

** As always, use this at your own peril. This post is entirely based on my experience – your...

Author: stuartle Date: 12/09/2009

Various useful links for testing with Visual Studio Diagnosing and fixing Web Test recorder bar...

Author: stuartle Date: 12/09/2009

T4MVC now with multiple file support

Ok, so I’m indulging in self-publicity a little with this post, but I really want to take the...

Author: stuartle Date: 11/17/2009

Options for creating a test project

I was rooting through the Tools\Options dialog in Visual Studio recently and noticed the following...

Author: stuartle Date: 08/20/2009

Setting the window title for a command prompt

Very quick tip in what seems to have become a mini-series (Part 1, Part 2). I often find myself with...

Author: stuartle Date: 08/17/2009

Finding files in your path environment

Occasionally I’m working at the command prompt and have a utility that is in the path environment,...

Author: stuartle Date: 08/17/2009

PowerShell script to clean and zip a directory

As part of my role I’m often sending sample code to customers. Sometimes this is a small snippet...

Author: stuartle Date: 08/13/2009

Quickly creating an Outlook rule

I’ve had a couple of conversations with people recently where they’ve said that they keep meaning to...

Author: stuartle Date: 08/13/2009

Possibly slightly off-topic for this blog, but so far I’m doing quite a good job of not settling...

Author: stuartle Date: 08/07/2009

Improving ObjectQuery.Include – Updated

Having spent some time using the sample from my previous post on ObjectQuery.Include, I’ve...

Author: stuartle Date: 04/24/2009

Creating database connections with Unity – part 2

Last time we looked at how to set up the configuration file so that Unity would wire up an object...

Author: stuartle Date: 01/09/2009

Creating database connections with Unity

I was adding dependency injection to an existing project and opted to use Unity configured via the...

Author: stuartle Date: 01/08/2009

Microsoft AutoCollage 2008

I just thought I’d mention that Microsoft AutoCollage 2008 has been released. It is based on...

Author: stuartle Date: 09/15/2008


ADO.Net Data Services allows you to expose your LINQ To Entities model (or LINQ To SQL model, or...

Author: stuartle Date: 09/15/2008

Improving ObjectQuery.Include

** UPDATE: There’s a bug in the code below – see this post for the update! One of the great features...

Author: stuartle Date: 08/27/2008

A closer look at yield – part 3

This was only going to be two posts, but after my last post I’d been mulling over a post that looks...

Author: stuartle Date: 08/13/2008

A closer look at yield – part 2

In part 1, we took a quick tour of the yield keyword. In this post we’re going to have a look at the...

Author: stuartle Date: 07/15/2008

Using let in LINQ to Objects – Part 3

This is a follow-up to my two previous posts on the let keyword Using let in LINQ to Objects Using...

Author: stuartle Date: 07/15/2008

A closer look at yield

The yield keyword in C# is pretty powerful and expressive, but it doesn’t seem to be very widely...

Author: stuartle Date: 07/14/2008

Using let in LINQ to Objects

I've been delving into LINQ to Objects recently (and enjoying it), but had missed the 'let' keyword....

Author: stuartle Date: 05/21/2008

Breaking the ice

Hi, my name is Stuart Leeks (as you may have guessed from the blog title!) and I'm an Application...

Author: stuartle Date: 05/16/2008
