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Collect Hardware Inventory of Local Admins

We had requirements on to collect the information of only local Admins.
We already had blogs which were helping to find information of all local groups. .
In the interest of collecting less data (Save space in DB) I modified the same to collect only Local admins
1) Import the Cab file

2) Import the MOF file so that SMS_DEF is updated in 2012 this is how you do

  • ? On the console, Administration ? Client Settings ?  right-click 'Default Client Settings'?and go to properties.
  • ?  Select Hardware Inventory, then on the right "Set Classes.
  • ? Click Import and browse to the localadmin.mof file you saved.

  Content of MOF file
[ SMS_Report (TRUE),
  SMS_Group_Name ("LocalAdmins"),
  SMS_Class_ID ("MICROSOFT|LocalAdmins|1.0"),
  Namespace ("root\\\\cimv2") ]
class Win32_LocalAdmins : SMS_Class_Template
    [SMS_Report (TRUE), key ] string Account;
    [SMS_Report (TRUE)      ] string Domain;
    [SMS_Report (TRUE), key ] string Name;
    [SMS_Report (TRUE)      ] string Type;

The script use to create a WMI entry is also available in the Zip file uploaded.


Sudheesh Narayanaswamy

This posting /Script is provided "AS IS" with no warranties and confers no rights