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Informator–“Denali”– Stockholm, Göteborg, Köpenhamn

SQL Server “Denali” CTP3 finns att ladda hem. Och när du gjort det, är det dags att lära sig mer och detta med inte mindre än Tim Peterson och Itzik Ben-Gan. Informator arrangerar två seminarier om Advanced Analysis Services för SQL Server 2008 R2 och Denali samt Advanced T-SQL för SQL Server 2008 och Denali.



PS2116 Advanced Analysis Services for SQL Server 2008 R2 and Denali – Stockholm 7/11, Göteborg 11/11, Köpenhamn 14/11

This full day seminar is created and presented by Tim Peterson, who was an author and presenter for Microsoft's Analysis Services 2008 R2 Maestro course in February/March 2011. Tim is a mentor, instructor, and author working with SolidQ, a global organization that provides the world’s most trusted and reliable data management services, business intelligence, collaboration and advanced technology solutions for Microsoft’s cloud and on-premise platforms.

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PS2117 Advanced T-SQL for SQL Server 2008 and Denali – Stockholm 7/11, Göteborg 10/11, Köpenhamn 11/11

Itzik Ben-Gan from SolidQ delivers this advanced full day seminar. You’re a T-SQL developer or DBA and you learned most of what you know about T-SQL by the seat of your pants. You can handle day-to-day T-SQL querying and programming tasks in a reasonable manner, but you’re looking for better and more efficient solutions. This seminar is for you.

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Technorati-taggar: Tim Peterson,Itzik Ben-Gan,SQL,SQL Server,Denali,CTP3