How To: Use CUITe
This is Syed Aslam Basha here from Relationship experience division (RXD) team.
CUITe is coded UI test enhanced framework available at useful for test UI automation. The advantages of CUITe is reduced code, better readability and maintainability. Let me show how to use CUITe.
Download and install from
Launch CUITe_ObjectRecorder
Enter website address to test
Click on record
Click on the controls in web page
Click on Code button in the toolbar
It will generate the code as shown below
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting;
using CUITe.Controls.HtmlControls;namespace $ProjectNameSpace.$ObjectRepository
public class LoginWindow : CUITe_BrowserWindow
public new string sWindowTitle = "Server Login";
public CUITe_HtmlEdit txtusername = new CUITe_HtmlEdit("Id=username");
public CUITe_HtmlPassword txtpassword = new CUITe_HtmlPassword("Id=password");
public CUITe_HtmlInputButton btnLogIn = new CUITe_HtmlInputButton("Value=Log In");}
}Create test project.
Record a normal Coded UI test to get all references done automatically.
Add reference to “CUITe.dll” from the install path. Do not copy and reference.
Create objectrepository folder
Add a class file and rename it to LoginWindow
Copy paste the above code in a LoginWindow.cs file which will act as object repository. Update the name space and class name appropriately.
Can have inheritance work for object repository classes (move common stuff to parent classes for better organization and modularity).
In test methods you can call the objects as
LoginWindow.txtpassword .SetText(password);
LoginWindow.btnLogIn .Click();
1. Object recorder now only works for html/web.
2. Object recorder only records the object/control definitions, not actions.
For more information refer the site
- Syed Aslam Basha ( )
Relationship experience division (RXD) Team
Test Lead
Please leave a comment if the blog post has helped you.
November 16, 2011
The output of the CUITe project is a myproject.dll. How can I use that dll in another application to initiate a test that has been set up in my CUITe proeject?Anonymous
December 07, 2011
Hi Jeremy, Its like object repository you should create test methods to calling these objects/methods in sequence of your test case. Syed