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Life as a Consultant.... (part 1)

It's always great to be called “Consultant”..!! especially for a big institution like Microsoft & others.

However, there is always so much behind which goes unseen... in a daily chores of a Consultant

Ideal a consultant is responsible to professionally and confidently provide technology advice to clients on the best use of technologies. This includes in promoting technology transfer and use of “best/recommended practices” during project / engagements. Often, he/she work as a “technology lead” or a “member” of a project team focused on architecture, design and implementation issues. Without doubt he will always be involved in
business development activities such as opportunity qualification, demo, POC, piloting, public campaigns as well as proposal preparation and presentation.

Often carry out multiple projects as well as act as a project leader or. A consultant generally carry out multiple project as well as act as a project leader or engagement resource coordinator for certain key-engagements. At many times, one will have several clients ( or customers). Indeed consultants task may vary all the way from presales, advisory to deployment and post-support etc. It's a key role with long-term relationship with customers or partners. I often called a sandwiched role which has mounting expectation from both external & internal...

Unlike the contractor or dedicated resource in an organization; Consultancy (traditionally) involves a lot of juggling when the fluctuating demands of multiple partners or customers comes into play. The challenges gets harder as the focal point of consultancy swings like a pendulum from deeper to broader - back & forth.

 So, what it takes to be “real good (great) Consultant”?

Indeed, this will be a real surprise… because a technical consultant need not to be always a “pure technical” person or technical skills will not be their greatest asset [some may disagree!!]. Those techy skills are essential, of course, and often helps get you in the door, but the long-term partner/customer relationships on which a consultant depends are built on : “Trust & Relationship” – the one warm fuzzy feelings.

Ideally, a consultant is never been more satisfied or rewarded than when the partner or customers trust you completely to take care of them or the entire engagement of assignment; On the other hand, your organization
sees you as their greatest asset..!!

Having said that, can’t deny the fact that, sometime one can also (I’ve) been asked to do work which was clearly not the best for, simply because the client trust, demanded or contracted or even part of the whole sum of delivery.

It really takes more than good partner or customer servicing skills to be a great Consultant – he/she must be a self-motivator, self-starter, require very little supervision, and the ability to keep on task without a boss
looking over your shoulder…

I’ll continue the part 2 - when I get more time :-)

Disclaimer : The above composition is purely based on my view. Please consume it as-is.


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hi interesting view about a consulting. Happy to read your part 2 :-) Peter Forster, Microsoft MVP 2002-2011