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Password sync not working between Windows to Unix

Recently we got case where password Sync was not working. Customer had configured password Sync on a Windows 2003 R2 Domain controller.

While troubleshooting we confirmed that the password Sync settings were correct.

1. On Windows Box: Open IDMU – Password Sync- properties

a) “ Windows to Computer that runs on Unix” was checked

b) Port numberwas configured at 6677

c) New encryption key was generated

2. On the configuration tab

a) “Enable extensive logging” was checked

b) “Enable Windows to NIS (AD) Password Sync” was checked

Then we went ahead and tried changing Password for a User. On the events logs we did not get any notification for password change.

But we did get an error which suggested that Password Sync was not registered. Then we ran ‘msinfo32’ to check for the loaded module. Password Sync was not listed over there.

We tried registering the password Sync dll (Pswdsync.dll) manually. We got an error.

Then we went ahead and checked the registry setting below:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa -> Notification Packages

And we found a garbage entry for password Sync. Removed the garbage entry and rebooted the machine.

This resolved the issue. To confirm we did change a password for a User and relevant events logs were being generated.