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Danish and Ukrainian Style Guides Recently Updated

The Danish and Ukrainian Style Guides available from the Microsoft Language Portal were updated recently.

In the Danish Style Guide, section Mood has been updated. In Danish some verbs in the imperative form can be mistaken for a noun and therefore we have added an accent acute to the verb in order to distinguish the two. However, the accent is only to be applied in imperative forms that may cause confusion e.g. 'markér' and 'aktivér'. It is not to be introduced as a standard.

The Ukrainian Style Guide was updated with the following:

· Grammar rules information (interchange of prepositions, conjunctions and prefixes between the words in Ukrainian and English);

· New entries added to the list of declensional endings;

· Translation of the Article Names section added;

· Standard Legal text updated according to the LCA approved terminology;

· Minor changes to the Specific Localization Guidelines (the structure of system messages while translating into Ukrainian) and Troublesome and Conflictive Words (new entry about the use of the participle added).