Jay's blog on text-to-speech (Now Defunct)
What's up with text-to-speech (TTS) and Microsoft? Heck, what's up with TTS in general these days? Speech, language, and technology. Cool stuff, indeed.
Moving away from Text to Speech... but other great folks are still here
I'm no longer blogging on text to speech; however, there are still a lot of great people blogging on...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 10/02/2006
Model Talker will allow individuals to create their own custom TTS voice
It was only a matter of time.... AgoraNet, Inc. appears to be in the process of introducing the...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 07/11/2006
The Blizzard Challenge: Rate text to speech samples
What's the Blizzard Challenge? In a shell's nut, it's a competition that provides researchers and...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 06/30/2006
Vista Beta 2 Screen Reader and Text to Speech
If you are running Vista Beta 2, check out the new text to speech functionality using the Narrator...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 06/09/2006
Text to Speech in Mission Impossible 3: A Dissection
Besides being the best of the three MI movies, there were 2 instances of TTS in the movie that...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 05/12/2006
Problems with French Liason in TTS - "A thread is a happy husband?"
Recently I was talking to a colleague who is a native French speaker (hey, that's the great benefit...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 03/23/2006
Shakespeare video with text to speech
Egads, it's quite clear that Shakespeare wasn't meant to be read with a text to speech voice... or...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 02/14/2006
What is TTS? How does it work?
I recently went over the entry in Wikipedia on text-to-speech, and it turns out to be a really good...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 02/07/2006
Another blogger on TTS
Check out Blake's blog here and you can see some of the enthusiasm around text to speech. Blake's...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 01/30/2006
Get El Mundo in podcast in Spanish
El Mundo is one of the more well known newspapers in Spain. And they are now offering an MP3 podcast...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 01/26/2006
Who else blogs on speech at Microsoft?
(No, it can't just be me... oh, and it isn't...) Stephen Potter has an extensive list of bloggers...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 01/19/2006
How do you pronounce the digit "1"?
This is an interesting, if not challenging problem for TTS systems. So, how should you pronounce...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 01/17/2006
Listen to emails and word documents in MP3 format on Pocket PC
Just when you thought you might be able to use your car commute time to sit back and relax, listen...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 01/04/2006
Deskbot adds cool animations with text to speech
I recently found an article describing the Deskbot which is one of the cooler text to speech reader...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 12/29/2005
New Hindi text to speech voice. Are you a native Hindi speaker? What's your opinion?
There was an ariticle on web that describes a company with a TTS voice for Hindi. And for all you...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 12/13/2005
Girl saved from text to speech device: Dynavox Software
Truly! Find out how you too can use TTS when watching the Macy's Day Parade to reflect falling...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 12/06/2005
Jim Allchin comments on Vista text to speech
When you look back at what Windows was in 1990 and you look at what Vista is slated to be next year,...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 11/22/2005
I'm back from paternity leave
Just when you think you are settling into a job, they encourage you to take a month off. Sorry to...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 11/04/2005
Third Party Text to Speech Voices
Microsoft has a page buried on its website that details a few third party speech component...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 09/27/2005
Apple's 1987 Knowledge Navigator
Egads! Check out this video which predicts the future of computing... in particular, the TTS is......
Author: jaywaltm Date: 09/27/2005
Article for coding TTS to .wav
Here is a brief article on some step by step instructions on the code I recently posted with help...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 08/31/2005
Using C# to output TTS to a .wav
The purpose of this brief article is to demonstrate, step by step with screenshots, how you can use...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 08/31/2005
Tester Positions in Speech here at Microsoft
I realize I'm a little new around here, but I am continually impressed with the caliber of...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 08/26/2005
Podcast definition provided by Mac sales rep
While browsing the U-Village this weeked with my wife and babe, I begged by wife to let me have a...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 08/08/2005
MyNewsToGo will take your RSS feed and make it an MP3
MyNewsToGo is a nice looking RSS newsreader that will also convert your feeds to an MP3. Sounds like...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 08/08/2005
NSF site on linguistics
Here is a great site on a lot of issues related to language and linguistics.
Author: jaywaltm Date: 08/01/2005
Creating a speech enabled application
Matt Harrington has provided a great article on writing some code to enable speech. It even comes...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 08/01/2005
Speech Wiki
Thanks to Jen Anderson on posting this wiki on speech.
Author: jaywaltm Date: 07/27/2005
Speech Synthesis in Local Languages by HP
Looks like HP is on the move to do some TTS of local languages using the Festival kit (thanks to...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 07/22/2005
Nuance allows for a custom voice?
Interesting press release from Nuance stating that their partners are now able to create their own...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 07/18/2005
Text to MP3
Here's a cool looking text to speech app that's just been released. What's cool about it? Well, it...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 07/06/2005
How would you like 24 FREE text-to-speech voices as soon as you can download them? But wait... there's a catch!!
NextUp software offers some apps that allow you to read different kinds of documents and text...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 06/29/2005
Military wants speech to speech capabilities
Okay, so the military really wants speech to speech capabilities... just think of the possibilities...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 06/21/2005
Text-to-speech overivew in Scientific American
Scientific American recently posted an article overview of text-to-speech. I know that other...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 06/17/2005
Yahoo's speech groups are migrating
Thanks to Jen Anderson for pointing out that the yahoo speech groups are now migrating off of Yahoo...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 06/14/2005
Text-to-speech - coming to a Sony PSP near you
Do you dabble with Sony's Play Station Portable (PSP)? Even the PSP thinks that text-to-speech is...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 06/13/2005
Text-to-Speech for ATMs
Here's an interesting article on the importance of text-to-speech for use in ATMs to benefit the...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 06/09/2005
3rd party text-to-speech software - Adding effects to TTS
There are a whole bunch of text-to-speech programs out there for your PC, and one that I recently...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 06/09/2005
Accuracy scores for text-to-speech voices - MS in 4th - but not for long
How does one do accuracy testing of different text to speech voices? That’s a real interesting...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 06/07/2005
Comparing English Text-to-Speech Samples
So how does one go about comparing the range of text-to-speech voices available? TMA Associates has...
Author: jaywaltm Date: 06/05/2005