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TF53001: The database operation was canceled by an administrator

During certain instances, if you do a commit/check in on a large chunk of source code, Undo a Pending Change for a branch, etc., on the TFS 2013.3/TFS 2013.4 server using SQL 2014, you might encounter the below scenario.

Environment: TFS 2013.3/TFS 2013.4, SQL 2014.

Error: when trying to access Source control or connecting to TFS from Visual Studio you get the below error,


In order to resolve this error, you might want to start by checking the version of your SQL instance hosting the TFS databases. To find the version of the SQL instance run the query ‘select @@version’ (Reference).
The version list for SQL can be found here.

If your SQL version is lesser than SQL 2014 CU4 then update it to CU4 or a higher update. Information on the Latest SQL versions can be found at SQL 2014 latest Builds.


Content Created By : Sinduja Karruppiah
Content Reviewed By : Romit Gulati


  • Anonymous
    February 25, 2016
    Anything else to look into our SQL version is 12.0.4213.0 and am having this issue now.