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Solutions to the Phraser programming challenge

On 3/29/04 I posted a programming challenge: given a telephone number, find all possible ways to represent it using English words and digits.


Several people have submitted their solutions. This page contains a list of all the entries I received, in the order of submission. It will be updated as I receive more solutions.

  1. From Calvin Hsia, unoptimized version in Fox Pro. (My comments)
  2. From Justin Rogers, in C#. (My comments)
  3. From Michael Scholz, in C++.
  4. From myself, in Haskell.
  5. From Frans Bouma, in C#.
  6. From Calvin Hisa, optimized version in Fox Pro.
  7. From Nicholas Allen, in JScript.
  8. From Brian C Robinson, in Python. (Test case, example)
  9. From Anton Triest, in XSLT. (Demo)