Writing SecPAL assertions in F#
I figured I would try to learn F# over this summer - and thought what better way to start than create a couple of SecPAL samples in F#. I thought this might help people that are interested in learning more about F#, or potentially F# users that are interested in learning more about how SecPAL can be used for access control scenarios. The sample below is simplified version of our classic multi-domain scenario (see here for a complete description). In short we have three parties: A resource guard that is responsible for protecting access to a resource, an STS that is trusted to issue claims about users, and a user that wants to access a file.
In order to support this scenario we have the following assertions:
- SecPAL policies
- Resource access policy - LA says %p read file://public/ if %p possesses %a where %a match .*@microsoft.com
- Trust policy - LA says STS canSay %p possesses %a where %a match .*@microsoft.com
- SecPAL token
- STS says User possesses rfc822Name: jason@microsoft.com
- SecPAL authorization query
- LA says Jason can read file://public/foo.txt ?
When run the code will output a textual proof graph illustrating exactly what the chain of deductions were that lead to this authorization decision being approved. If you want to use our graphical proof graph viewer take a look at this post. You will have to add an audit policy but that is really straight forward.
The F# code for this scenario is included below. In the my next few blog posts I will show you how to modify this code to do some extra cool things... In the mean time let me know if you have any questions, or if there are any scenarios you would like me to demonstrate.
Thanks to Don Syme and Can Erton of the F-Sharp team for reviewing my code before I released it!
// Title: Simple SecPAL security scenario (F#)
// Update the pointer below to your SecPAL DLL (The SecPAL .NET implementation is available from https://research.microsoft.com/projects/secpal)
#I "C:\Users\jahogg\Documents\Microsoft SecPal Research Release\Bin\Microsoft.Research.SecPal.dll"
#r "Microsoft.Research.SecPal.dll"
open Microsoft.Research.SecPal.Authorization
open System.Security.Cryptography
open System.Collections.Generic
type SecPALAttribute = Microsoft.Research.SecPal.Authorization.Attribute
// Define the users within the simple scenario
let User = KeyHolderPrincipal(new RSACryptoServiceProvider(), "Jason")
let STS = KeyHolderPrincipal(new RSACryptoServiceProvider(), "STS")
let ResourceGuard = LocalAuthorityPrincipal("ResourceGuard") // ResouceGuard == LocalAuthority == LA
// Define Resource Access Policy
// LA says %p read file://public/ if %p possesses %a where %a match ".*@microsoft.com"
let claims = [Claim(fact=ActionFact(PrincipalVariable("p"),
constraint=AttributeMatchConstraint("a",AttributeType.rfc822Name, @".*@microsoft\.com"));
// LA says STS canSay %p possesses %a where %a match ".*@microsoft.com"
constraint=AttributeMatchConstraint("a",AttributeType.rfc822Name, @".*@microsoft\.com")) ]
let policy = Policy(PrincipalIssuer(ResourceGuard), claims)
let policies = [ policy ]
// Create a Token to identify our User with
// STS says User possesses rfc822Name:"jahogg@microsoft.com"
let token = Token(issuer=PrincipalIssuer(STS),
claims=[ Claim(fact=PossessFact(User,
new SecPALAttribute(AttributeType.rfc822Name,@"jason@microsoft.com")))])
let tokens = [ token ]
// Create our Authorization Query
// LA says Jason can read file://public/foo.txt?
let query = AuthorizationQuery
fact=ActionFact(User, ActionVerbs.read,
// Perform our Authorization Query using the Authorization Engine
let answers = AuthorizationEngine.MakeAuthorizationDecision(ResourceGuard, tokens, policies, query)
// Determine if access was granted
let results = (if (answers.Count < 1) then "Denied" else "Authorized")
// Print out the results
printf "The result is %s \n" results
printf "Answer count = %i \n\n" answers.Count
// Iterate over the Proofs
for answer in answers do
// Output variable substitutions
let subs = answer.Substitution
for sub in subs do
System.Console.WriteLine ("Name " + sub.Key.Name + " = " + sub.Value.ToString());
// Output proof graphs
let proofs = answer.ProofGraphs
for proof in proofs do
System.Console.Write("Expression = ")
System.Console.WriteLine("Graph = ")
// Press any key to continue (Homer "Where's the any key?")
June 20, 2007
In my earlier post I showed how SecPAL could be used to grant access to a particular user based on aAnonymous
August 28, 2007
In my previous post I mentioned that we have now released a parser for SecPAL that allows policies toAnonymous
August 28, 2007
In my previous post I mentioned that we have now released a parser for SecPAL that allows policies to