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Windows Azure Deep Dive tanfolyam

… lesz hétfőn és kedden Magyarországon, egy angol oktatócég előadója tartja (angolul :-)). Elsőbbséget élveznek azok, akik a Visual Studio 2010 bejelentésen jelezték, hogy szeretnének részt venni egy ilyenen – de még vannak helyek, úgyhogy hajrá, lehet jelentkezni!

Az előadó ezt az információt küldte:

This two-day intensive instructor-led workshop provides delegates with an early opportunity to gain insight into the nature and benefits of the Windows Azure Platform. Delivered through workshop style presentations and hands-on lab exercises, the workshop will focus on three key services – Windows Azure, SQL Azure and AppFabric.

The Windows Azure Platform is an internet-scale cloud services platform hosted in Microsoft data centres, which provides an operating system and a set of developer services that can be used individually or together. Azure’s flexible and interoperable platform can be used to build new applications to run from the cloud or enhance existing applications with cloud-based capabilities.
SQL Azure extends the capabilities of Microsoft SQL Server into the cloud as a Web-based, distributed relational database. It provides Web-based services that enable relational queries, search, and data synchronization with mobile users, remote offices and business partners. It can store and retrieve structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data.

AppFabric makes developing loosely coupled cloud-based applications easier; AppFabric includes access control to help secure your applications, as well as a service bus for communicating across applications and services. These hosted services allow you to easily create federated applications that span from on-premises environments to the cloud.

At the end of the workshop delegates will:

  • Gain an understanding of the nature and purpose of the Windows Azure Platform
  • Understand the role played by the following components: Windows Azure; SQL Azure; AppFabric


  • Anonymous
    April 28, 2010
    Nagyon jó volt tanfolyam, Adrian rendkívüli előadó. Kösz a lehetőséget és a szervezést!