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Why Use Semi-colons

I get asked from time to time why I still put semi-colons at the end of each statement.  Part of it is force of habit. Part of it is trying to make sure my script source is useful no matter how the web server, post edtior, and user's brower decide to display it.  Sometimes, some combination of the above result in linefeeds being added, or stripped away.  This means that

        Do-Something -step 2
        if (Test-Something) { Do-Something -step 2 -force }

All end up on one line, something like this:

        Do-Something Do-Something -step 2 if (Test-Something) { Do-Something -step 2 -force } Write-Something

Yucky.  And non-functional.  My goal is that my scripts be more-or-less functional in this case, unless I have a comment in the mix.  At that point, all bets are off.

This is also why I don't use backticks to continue lines.