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How to Disable the ASP.NET v4.0 Extensionless URL feature on IIS 6.0

You can disable the v4.0 ASP.NET extensionless URL feature on IIS6 by setting a DWORD at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ASP.NET\4.0.30319.0\EnableExtensionlessUrls = 0.  After changing the value, you will need to restart IIS in order for us to pick up the change, because it is only read once when IIS starts.  Note that for Wow64 (i.e., 32-bit worker process running on 64-bit OS), this registry key must be set at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\ASP.NET\4.0.30319.0\EnableExtensionlessUrls.

Here’s how the v4.0 ASP.NET extensionless URL features works on IIS 6.  We have an ISAPI Filter named aspnet_filter.dll that appends “/eurl.axd/GUID” to extensionless URLs.  This happens early on in the request processing.  We also have a script mapping so that “*.axd” requests are handled by our ISAPI, aspnet_isapi.dll.  When we append “/eurl.axd/GUID” to extensionless URLs, it causes them to be mapped to our aspnet_isapi.dll, as long as the script map exists as expected.  These requests then enter ASP.NET where we remove “/eurl.axd/GUID” from the URL, that is, we restore the original URL.  The restoration of the original URL happens very early.  Now the URL is extensionless again, and if no further changes are made and you’re using the default <httpHandlers> section in web.config, this will be assigned to the DefaultHttpHandler, since it has path=”*” and is the first handler to match the extensionless URL.  The DefaultHttpHandler will then redirect this request back to IIS, but this time our filter will not append “/eurl.axd/GUID” and the request will be handled as it would be normally.  To do anything interesting with the v4.0 ASP.NET extensionless URL feature, you must change the handler from DefaultHttpHandler to something else, before the MapRequestHandler event fires.

Note that v4.0 aspnet_filter.dll will only enable the extensionless URL feature (by appending eurl.axd to the URL) if the following are true:

  1. EnableExtensionlessUrls is not defined or has a value of 1.
  2. v4.0 aspnet_filter.dll is registered as an ISAPI Filter.
  3. v4.0 aspnet_isapi.dll is script mapped to ".axd" at the web site level (e.g. "/LM/W3SVC/N/ROOT", where N is the siteID).
  4. v4.0 aspnet_isapi.dll is marked as "Allowed" in the ISAPI Restriction list.
  5. The web site has read and script permission enabled.

I've heard that it is not compatible with Ionics ISAPI Rewrite Filter, and it may not be compatible with other URL rewriting components.  Fortunately the ASP.NET feature is easy to disable.  By the way, the most common way for the ASP.NET extensionless URL feature to fail is for it to leave "/eurl.axd/GUID" on the URL.  This happens when our aspnet_filter appends “/eurl.axd/GUID”, but we fail to find the “*.axd” script map, and so the request is not mapped to aspnet_isapi.dll, and therefore never enters ASP.NET and we never restore the original URL.  As a result, you will receive a 404 response and the URL will have "/eurl.axd/GUID" appended.



  • Anonymous
    August 04, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    August 04, 2010
    If you set EnableExtensionlessUrls = 0, and aspnet_filter.dll successfully read it, then it will not append /eurl.axd/GUID.  My guess is that you set the wrong registry key, or you've changed the IIS worker process identity and it does not have permission to read the registry key.  If you think it's a permission issue, then Process Monitor ( can be used to confirm this, but it's probably easier just to look at the ACLs on the registry key and ensure that the IIS worker process identity has read access.  It does by default, so if you haven't changed this, then you don't need to do anything. If you're not using ASP.NET v4, then you can change the Application Pool so that it does not load v4 CLR.  This will also prevent aspnet_filter.dll from appending /eurl.axd/GUID.

  • Anonymous
    September 01, 2010
    How to disable this using web.config ? Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    September 01, 2010
    It cannot be disabled via web.config.

  • Anonymous
    September 10, 2010
    With the help of Process Monitor I found out that the setting on a 64bit server is located in the different part of the registry. So for a 64bit server the setting should be set here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareWow6432NodeMicrosoftASP.NETv4.0.30319.0EnableExtensionlessUrls = 0

  • Anonymous
    October 24, 2010
    Thank you. I had a mixture of 1.1, 2.0, and 4.0 sites in IIS and ALL would be down when the server restarted and this fixed it.

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2011
    This 'feature' is not compatible with the 'default content page' feature of IIS6 either. It will cause an extensionless request to enter ASP.NET twice - once with the proper rewrite to the default content page, and once with the original URL and handled by DefaultHttpHandler. If you in turn have added an event handler to for exampel EndRequest to set a Cookie, this will cause the infamous 'Server cannot modify cookies after HTTP headers have been sent.' HttpException.

  • Anonymous
    February 02, 2011
    If I have a .net 4 web application using this feature under the default site and if the web site itself is running under .net 2.0 I always get a 404 - Not Found when I access the app. If I change the framework version to 4 on the web site everything works. Is this as expected or is it a bug?

  • Anonymous
    February 03, 2011
    Cosmin, sorry you're having trouble with this.  In your case, the feature should work if the v4.0 aspnet_isapi.dll is script mapped to ".axd" at the web site level (e.g. "/LM/W3SVC/N/ROOT", where N is the siteID).  It is expected that all virtual paths below this are also using v4.0.  If you need to have v2.0 on the machine too, then ensure that it is script mapped at the web site level, and that all virtual paths below this are also using v2.0.  In other words, for things to work, you need to choose a version at the web site level (e.g. "/LM/W3SVC/N/ROOT", where N is the siteID), and ensure that all virtual paths below this are also using this same version.  Thanks, Thomas

  • Anonymous
    February 16, 2011
    I was able to deploy properly but my app keeps trying to redirect on [Authorize] controllers to /Account/Login even though i'm using windows authentication as stated in my web.config Here is my web.config:

  • Anonymous
    February 22, 2011
    Hi I am having a problem with this concerning HTTP modules when hitting a IIS6 hosted website using a IWebProxy implementation.Pre-.NET4 any request to the website would result in the module being hit. It should be noted that I had a wildcard assigned to the website which invoked the v2 aspnet_isapi filter. However, upon deploying ASP.NET 4 and modifying the website to use .NET4, and also removing the wildcard mapping (as I understand I won't need it anymore), I am seeing that the http module is sometimes hit and sometimes isn't, as below. NB - all of these calls are using the IWebProxy implementation which sends the call to the website hosting the module:

  1. Browse to http://nonproxyurl/extensionlessurl - module is not hit
  2. Browse to http://nonproxyurl/something.mappedfileextension - module is hit
  3. Browse to http://nonproxyurl/something.unmappedfileextension - module is not hit
  4. Browse to http://proxyurl/extensionlessurl - module is hit
  5. Browse to http://proxyurl/something.mappedfileextension - module is hit
  6. Browse to http://proxyurl/something.unmappedfileextension - module is not hit The main inconsistency I see is between 1 and 4 where if the proxy website is hit directly with an extensionlessurl then it works but not if it is hit using a non-proxy url (remembering that ALL of these calls are using the IWebProxy implementation). My requirement is for ALL calls that are proxied to the website, regardless of whether or not a file extension is known or even present, to result in a hit to the http module. If this means shutting down all new functionality by some means then so be it but there are significant consequences for our project and customer if we can't upgrade the website to .NET 4. This is because all of the assemblies that the site relies on have have been upgraded to .NET4. i.e. - we would effectively have to move the entire code base back to .NET2 CLR if we can't get this to work. Many thanks for any help you can give. Brad
  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    August 11, 2011
    I ran into a similar issue with v4.0 ASP.Net extension less URL feature on II6 and found a solution through ISAPI Rewrite Module provider, the does not require turning it off.  Theissue and the solution as we experienced it is documented here

  • Anonymous
    August 23, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    August 25, 2011
    The servicing updates of .NET Framework 4.0 were deleting the EnableExtensionlessUrls registry setting, but that problem has been fixed in the later updates.  Unfortunately the earlier servicing updates have the problem, and so you will have to reset the registry key when one of those is installed.

  • Anonymous
    September 11, 2011
    Thank you, this helped me a lot since we use IIRF. We installed some Windows updates and don't know why this DWORD key was removed =( Best regards

  • Anonymous
    January 16, 2012
    I had similar issue and able resolve using above resolution. Many thanks!

  • Anonymous
    February 10, 2012
    Thomas - thank you very much for this detailed explanation of (what I'd consider to be) obscure IIS behavior.  A very helpful post!  However, I have two questions...   First, it appears that extensionless URLs must be turned off in order for SQL Reporting Services (2005) to work properly.  However, I'd like to deploy an MVC3 app to the same server.  Is it possible to disable extensionless URLs for a particular website rather than the entire server? Second, with extensionless urls enabled (confirmed by hitting localhost/reports and being redirected to a GUID), are you aware of a (mis)configuration that would cause a 401.5 error "You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied because your Web browser is sending a WWW-Authenticate header field that the Web server is not configured to accept"?  My reading of the 401.5 is "Denied by custom ISAPI/CGI Web application".  Any guidance would be appreciated.

  • Anonymous
    February 10, 2012
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    October 31, 2014
    Hi Thomas, i am using IIS 7.5. The application (built using MVC) has a model form which opens fine most of the time. but when the page refreshes and user clicks on the link to open the pop up it gives error 404. its very intermittent Any idea what could be wrong?