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Random XNA thoughts and links..

Well, maybe not so random.

First, ever wonder what the XNA Framework was?  Look at Mitch's latest post on the Xna Team Blog..

Second, a coworker has recently started a blog, and he has a number of interesting posts, including explaining why he joined the Xna team.

Which makes me get quite nostalgic myself.  Shortly after we announced I sent out an email internally, which i'll now include here (albeit slightly modified for the public)..

---- Insert Sentimental Thoughts.

I can't decide if it seems like yesterday or a lifetime ago, but GDC in 2002 was the first public showing of what became known as Managed DirectX.  Since that date I've listened to countless people telling me how and why managed code could never be a viable game development platform.  Actually, I guess that's a lie.  It started before then since it was an uphill battle in the DirectX team just to get it to ship in the first place.
Yet here we are today, and listen to the buzz.  It was almost instantaneous.  Gone are the cries of impossible, replaced with the excitement of "when can I get it" and "omg, are you serious?"  Just wait until later this year when they're actually using it.  I can't wait.
I'm sure everyone gets up and comes to work for their own personal reasons, and I doubt everyone shares mine, but what gets me going (and keeps me going) is a combination of two things.  One, the ability to make a difference, and I'd be lying if I didn't say there was a certain egotistical aspect as well.  

Not only am I no longer alone, there's an entire team focusing on much larger issues, bringing an entire end to end solution.  This team is fulfilling not only my original goal with Managed DirectX -- opening up game development; but going so far beyond what I had hoped it's hard to describe.  It's been a long time since I've been so excited about a project, and it's a feeling I've missed.  Not only do we have the "egotistical" aspects intact, but we have the opportunity to change an entire industry for the better.  If that isn't making a difference, I'm not sure what is.
Truth be told, this is probably one of the most sincerely "proudest" moments I've been able to achieve in my career, although I'm sure it will be surpassed later this year when we've actually shipped and people are using our stuff.  We're not only pushing people towards the next age of game development, we're defining what that means.  I couldn't be more excited.