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Woo hoo! We're ready to tolong somebody

It's official, we are so ready to "tolong" somebody. "Dapatkan bantuan tentang isu-isu semasa .NET dari blog ini". That's the localized version.

So what does "tolong" mean?

Main Entry: 1tolong
Pronunciation: 'tO'lo[ng]
Function: verb
1 : to give assistance or support to <tolong a Microsoft customer or partner to resolve .NET issue>
2 a : to make more pleasant or bearable : <this piece of .NET code snippet will tolong you to resolve your problem> <use Visual Studio 2005 to tolong you to become more productive>
3 a : to be of use to <ASP.NET will be of good tolong to you to develop cool and exciting web applications :


The contributors are a team of full-time .NET geeks who happen to work in Microsoft Malaysia, and they are here to tolong you on your .NET woes. So don't be shy, ask for tolong LAH!!!