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Some bloody cool Enterprise Library v2 Extensions

Sorry I'm a bit late to the party here - but better late than never! There are a couple of really cool community extensions to the Enterprise Library configuration tool that should be of interest to a lot of you.

First, Olaf Conijn has updated his way-cool Environmental Overrides plug-in for the new .NET 2.0 release of Enterprise Library. (Update: The threads of the universe are converging, and Olaf has updated his extensions to work with Colin's Integration Pack listed below.)Since a picture tells 2^10 words, take a look:

Not to be outdone, Colin Coller has just released his Avanade Integration Pack for Enterprise Library which finally addresses our elusive goal of integrating the config tool into Visual Studio - we'd planned this for the last 3 versions but it keeps on getting cut. So thanks to Colin for his efforts in filling this hole and sharing with the community!

And finally, some late breaking news ;-). Alois Kraus has put together an extension that addresses an annoying problem in v2 whereby the tool needs to be able to locate the assemblies for all block plug-in types in order to load the configuration (we tried really hard to avoid this problem without luck - I'll explain why in another posting). Great work Alois!