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Monad Name Change Announced at MMS

Bub Muglia just announced a change of name for Monad to Windows PowerShell. Get it here: 
And check out the Windows PowerShell team blog:

Documentation is here:

You can read the Oreilly book online for free for 14 days here:

Vivek gave a great demo that showed a create new DL operation in the new Exchange admin GUI, with a CTRL+C copy script operation to do exactly the same thing in the command line - got big applause.

So did the -whatif option. Vivek showed a command-line demo to move exec mailboxes, with the -whatif option to check that the move would work BEFORE moving the exec's MB and taking it offline. More applause :-)

Finally, a cool call to Office that allowed him to spit out a chart for management on how the move MBs went in a single command. Good times.

In the booth last night, I overheard a great summation in answer to a question about the motication for PowerShell:

"It's about tools, not about OS vs OS."

Cool thing 2: one of the devs was using PowerShell to show different scenarios, on the fly. PowerShell has alias support, including some of the common Unix and CMD commands you already know. In the course of walking through how to approach the issue, Leonard typed DIR on one line, got some results, then moved directories and typed LS. Cool thing = say you are in troubleshooting mode, no time lost having to translate in your brain "What's the PowerShell commandlet name I need here?"