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Scenario: Designing for WSS Collaboration

We recently published a couple of resources targeted to designing sites for WSS collaboration:

Based on some of our popular Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 assets, the design guidance is scaled to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.

The sample design illustrates, describes, and contrasts how to implement collaboration with three different types of collaboration sites represented:

  • Team sites

  • Self-service sites

  • Partner collaboration sites

By following the design guidance, you can soundly implement any one or all of the different types of collaboration sites.

Also, as a feature of collaboration, we expect that many of you will be accessing sites remotely or from outside of your company firewall. The article and poster for the design sample provide pointers to guidance on designing for secure external access.

Let me know if this type of "scenario" content is helpful.

Thanks, Brenda Carter, IT Pro Writer, SharePoint Products and Technologies