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With security flaws, Everybody loses

While surfing the blogosphere, I cam across a link to this article on ZDnet talking about Microsoft's reaction towards security flaws found in Firefox. The reaction: When there is a security flaw, everybody looses. Microsoft is in a weird position with lots of products, on one hand, they build on our platforms and therefore are a partner(Google,Firefox,Just about any other computer company) on the other hand they are a competitor of ours (MSN,IE,just about any other product). It doesn't matter if the security flaw is in our code or theirs, it ends up affecting our customer. There is nothing to gloat about, in the end, the same person gets hurt. You.


It's that realization that gave birth to several new technologies to attempt to minimize flaws in any product, regardless who makes it. LUA,Sandboxing,TCB,etc all exist to reduce the impact of a flaw. The end result? A safer computing environment for everybody running Windows.


Trustworthy computing has always been about the entire computing ecosystem. Only by making the whole system safer can we make the community safer. The winner? You!


  • Anonymous
    October 09, 2005
    But "trustworthy computing" is about DRM, not LUA or sandboxing.
  • Anonymous
    October 10, 2005
    Thats just what slashdot wants you to believe:)
    It allows the system to sandbox memory and files to one application.