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Microsoft Cognitive Services – Artificial Intelligence based vision, speech and language API

Build your own solutions with Microsoft Cognitive Services – Previously known as Project Oxford with any language or development platform see and a full list of all the available APIs at

Here is a quick overview of some of the available APIs

Vision Apis

The Computer Vision APIs are a collection of state-of-the-art image processing algorithms designed to return information based on the visual content, and to generate your ideal thumbnail. With this API, you can choose which visual features you want to extract that best suit your needs.


Computer Vision APIs


Face APIs


Emotion APIs



Video APIs


Speech APIs provide state-of-the-art algorithms to process spoken language. With these APIs, developers can easily include the ability to add speech driven actions to their applications. In certain cases, the APIs also allow for real-time interaction with the user as well.


Speech APIs


Speaker Recognition APIs


Custom Recognition Intelligent Service (CRIS)

Language APIs


Spell Check APIs


Language Understanding Intelligent Service (LUIS)




Web Language Model API

Cognitive Services APIs

See the full list of all the APIs

Azure in education

Using Azure in your research or in teaching a course? Microsoft is committed to supporting education and has various programs to meet your needs.


Empower faculty to leverage Microsoft Azure in teaching cutting edge courses

See all Azure services

Cognitive Services APIs

Using Azure in your research or in teaching a course? Microsoft is committed to supporting education and has various programs to meet your needs.

The Educator Grant is a program designed specifically to provide access to Microsoft Azure to college and university professors teaching advanced courses. As part of the program, faculty teaching Azure in their curricula are awarded subscriptions to support their course.

To apply for an Educator Grant fill out this simple application form.

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