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New Microsoft CRM 3.0 Service Scheduling Whitepapers

La Villa Strangiato...

You may remember Craig Steere's post on a real-world service scheduling opportunity we were working on last year - Craig Steere's Guest Spot: Microsoft CRM Real World Service Scheduling. Well, we actually sold a very large Microsoft CRM deal on the basis of this functionality. Over the last 6-months Peter Simons and Roger Gilchrist from our Microsoft Consulting Services (MCS) team here in the UK have been doing some fantastic work ensuring the service scheduling functionality could scale to cope with over 4000 concurrent users processing more 100,000 scheduling requests per week.

Now, I'm really pleased to announce that the results of their work have been published in a new whitepaper which is available for download here: Service Scheduling: Optimizations and Considerations.

By a strange coincidence, our Business Systems Architecture (BSA) team in the USA have also published a whitepaper, containing a vast amount of technical detail on how to test and tune the service scheduling functionality using the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 Performance and Stress Test Toolkit. This whitepaper is also available for download here: Service Scheduling: Performance and Scalability Study.

So now we have no excuse not to get out there and start selling the value of service scheduling in very large scale situations.

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Laughing Boy