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Call For Speakers: European SharePoint Conference 2013

We are delighted to announce that the Call for Speakers for the European SharePoint Conference 2013 is now open online and look forward to seeing a few UK speakers on the list!

The entry period for submissions will be open until 30th April and there has all ready been numerous submissions, so if you are interested then put your proposal forward now.

Call for Speakers

The 2013 conference in Copenhagen will be a fantastic opportunity to exchange knowledge and learn from others about SharePoint - the business collaboration platform for enterprise and the internet. We look forward to receiving submissions to speak on SharePoint as a platform or environment in areas such as collaboration; document - content and/or knowledge management; search; business intelligence; social networking; composite applications; web development; cloud; governance and or any other SharePoint related topic you feel that your colleagues in the European SharePoint Community would or should be interested in.

Submissions are invited from IT Managers, Business Users, IT Professionals, Developers, Consultants, Project Managers, Researchers, Testers, Test Managers, Development Managers or anyone with an interesting lessons learned from the field/case study about implementing, embracing & enjoying SharePoint technologies.

Submit here to speak!