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Automatically raise bugs from IE

Have you ever been in a position where someone raises a bug on a web page that you have been working on, but doesn't supply enough information to allow you to reproduce the problem? Ok, I didn't think it was just me :-)

To try and help this, I've written an addin for IE to allow users to easily raise a complete bug report. When the user indicates that there is a problem on the page, the addin will create a new Team System Work Item and populate it with the following information:

  • A screenshot attached to the work item.
  • HTML source of the page and any frames and IFrames attached to the work item.
  • Any style sheets referenced by the page attached to the work item
  • Any script files referenced by the page attached to the work item
  • Details about the user's machine and browser (OS version, browser version, screen size, ...)

Hopefully this should include a significant amount of the information you'll need to identify the problem.

For more information, some screenshots and the download, please have a look at the project space on gotdotnet - UPDATE, this project is now on CodePlex.

If this is useful or if it doesn't quite do what you want, please feedback to me either through this site or gotdotnet. 


UPDATE: Latest Version is here.