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User Ed - The blog of Ed Price, Customer Program Manager

User Ed is a Microsoft blog written by a Customer Program Manager, Ed Price. Ed enjoys Customer Engagement, Experience Design, TechNet Wiki, and general education around Microsoft products.

Small Basic: Turtle Polygon Patterns

Here is a gallery of some of our favorite patterns made with the Turtle object in Small Basic! This...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 01/30/2015

Power BI Pricing - What it Is & What it Will Be

What it is... Power BI Add-on...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 01/28/2015

Small Basic: Turtle Stars

Do you like making stars with your turtles? You know, like this... And like these ones... Yeah, me...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 01/28/2015

Why Computers Love to Repeat Things

From the beginning of time, mankind has found itself in a unique situation… People have...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 01/28/2015

Small Basic Turtle Games & Graphics

Don't know how the turtle craze got started? Well read this: Small Basic: The History of the Logo...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 01/27/2015

Small Basic Turtle: Comparing Angle and Turn

In Small Basic, we have two different types of methods to turn your Turtle: Turtle.Angle - Gets or...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 01/26/2015

Small Basic Turtle: Absolute Motion VS Relative Motion

When giving commands with absolute motion you’d be giving universal coordinates. For example:...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 01/26/2015

Small Basic: The History of the Logo Turtle

Let’s take a look at where the Small Basic Turtle object came from! Turtle graphics were based on...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 01/26/2015

Women in Analytics - What the???

Hello! Microsoft loves to help women succeed in the technology workplace! Personally, I have four...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 01/20/2015

Try out the New Power BI Preview (clap clap) Today!

Read all about it here:...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 12/18/2014

Microsoft Curah! - Curate the web and share what you know.

What is Microsoft Curah!? Curah! - Curate the web and share what you know. Curah!, the new content...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 10/30/2014

Small Basic for Kids - Ages 10-12

We're featuring a Small Basic book from Philip Conrod and Lou Tylee! Learn more about the book here....

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 10/29/2014

Thank you for your participation!

Thank you for taking our survey! The survey was successfully submitted. We'll review the results. To...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 10/15/2014

Curah! A new content curation platform launched by Microsoft

Take the guesswork out of the process and just get to the good stuff! Find and share annotated...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 09/04/2014

NEW WHITEPAPER: Using Power BI in a Hybrid Environment

Summary: Many organizations are taking advantage of the benefits of cloud computing such as lower...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 08/23/2014

Small Basic Quiz 02

I'll ask you some questions, and you tell me the answers! The hints are at the bottom! Let's start...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 08/05/2014

Small Basic - Hints for helping Cathy (and her babysitting career)

Here's a problem to test your Small Basic skills... Cathy wrote the following program to figure out...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 08/05/2014

Alice in Small Basic Land - early thinking

This is an early look at a potential Small Basic Community Challenge. The idea here is that we...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 08/05/2014

The Origin of the Order of Operations

Have you ever taken a math class? And then you’re probably familiar with the order of operations,...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 08/05/2014

The Frog Community Project - early thinking

This is forward-thinking for a Small Basic Community Challenge. The idea is that we have some sort...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 08/05/2014

Collecting some good ASCII Art

This blog post is just exploring some ASCII art that can be used for quick exercises for new...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 08/05/2014

A Case for Insensitivity

This is Day 6 of 30 Days of Small Basic Part 1. As with all great things, there is a pun afoot! (No...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 08/05/2014

All About Help

When software was first being developed in the 80s, user assistance was born! It often included all...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 08/03/2014

Good Comments and Bad Ones

This is Day 5 of 30 Days of Small Basic Part 1.   Different languages use different methods to block...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 08/03/2014

Binary Operators

The arithmetic operators (+,–,*,/) are called binary operators because they require two...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 08/03/2014

Binary Operators

The arithmetic operators (+,–,*,/) are called binary operators because they require two...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 08/03/2014

Small Basic Quiz 01

This is Day 4 of 30 Days of Small Basic Part 1.   I'll ask you some questions, and you tell me the...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 07/15/2014

Small Basic Character Based UI Apps

This is Day 3 of 30 Days of Small Basic Part 1. Hello! I just wanted to compile together some of the...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 07/14/2014

How did Small Basic change IntelliSense?

This is Day 2 of 30 Days of Small Basic Part 1. How did Small Basic change IntelliSense? So those of...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 07/14/2014

Hey, what's a PDB File?

The program database (.pdb) file is used by your integrated development environment (IDE; like...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 07/14/2014

What is the Geekiest Microwave?

What would it look like? What if you could design a Microwave using Small Basic? What if "Microwave"...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 07/14/2014

interviews with Vijaye Raji, the creator of Small Basic

This is Day 1 of 30 Days of Small Basic Part 1. The truth is that Vijaye created Small Basic, based...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 07/14/2014


Power View Forecasting: Evaluate prediction quality Hindcasting Seasonality Confidence interval...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 05/15/2014

NEW FREE eBook - Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2014 (+ Power BI)

Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2014 By Ross Mistry and Stacia Misner April 2014 125 pages   In...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 04/09/2014

System Center - New Category for TechNet Guru!!!

For February, we're spreading the TechNet Guru love... Over to System Center! This is a new category...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 02/17/2014

Interview with a Visual Basic MVP and MSDN Forum Moderator - Reed Kimble

Welcome to another interview with an MVP!!! Behind Naomi N, Reed currently has the most TechNet Guru...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 02/04/2014

Interview with a System Center MVP in Turkey - Mustafa KARA

Welcome to an interview with an MVP! Today's interview is with... Mustafa KARA - MVP Who are you,...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 01/17/2014

Business Intelligence in SQL Server 2014 - Power View for Multidimensional Models

Power View for Multidimensional Models The ability to create Power View reports against...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 01/02/2014

Business Intelligence in SQL Server 2014 - SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)

Updates to Design Tool installation SQL Server Data Tools for Business Intelligence (SSDT BI),...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 12/31/2013

Interview with a SQL Server Guru: Shanky 621

My interview is with Shanky_621. Shanky has 19K Recognition points, over 1K forum answers, and he...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 12/27/2013

Power BI Q&A - Now you can search on your own data!!!

We are excited to announce that any Power BI customer can now preview Q&A with their own data!...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 12/18/2013

Power Map helps you raise children!

Well, sort of. =^) This video is giving me goosebumps:...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 12/12/2013

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