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Small Basic: Silly Shakespeare Program

Welcome to the Silly Shakespeare program!

The way this works is simple. Just paste this into Small Basic:


TextWindow.Write("Please enter a verb: ")

verb1 = TextWindow.Read()

TextWindow.Write("Please enter another verb: ")

verb2 = TextWindow.Read()

TextWindow.Write("Now, please enter a noun: ")

noun = TextWindow.Read()

TextWindow.Write("To " + verb1 )

TextWindow.Write(" or not to " + verb2 + ":")

TextWindow.Write(" that is the " + noun + ".")



And then reply in the comments with your silly text output! We'll add it to this blog post and show it off!


Output Gallery:

From Eddie Lotter:

To a verb or not to another verb that is the a noun. :(

To sleep or not to LOL that is the lolcat. :)

From Ed Price - MSFT (I did one without thinking about it):

To flip or not to flop: that is the target. 


Go to to download Small Basic for free and learn all about it!   


Have a Small and Basic day!

   - Ninja Ed
