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Join David Chappell on Windows Azure World Tour

You are invited to join Dave Chappell when he discusses Windows Azure and Cloud Computing across the United States. Chappell is leading authority on cloud computing and has written the white paper for Microsoft describing the Windows Azure Platform architecture. See Azure Services Platform.

Cloud computing looks like the biggest change to hit our industry in many years. The advent of cheap, scalable computing power available over the Internet will affect almost everybody who works in IT. But taking advantage of this shift requires understanding this new approach and how to exploit it.

azure tour

In the morning session for decision makers, David Chappell looks at the Windows Azure platform and what it means for ISVs, custom software development firms and enterprises. The topics he’ll cover include:

  • An overview of the Windows Azure platform: Technology and business model.
  • The cloud platform context: Google, Amazon,, and more.
  • Using the Windows Azure platform: Application scenarios.

The goal is to provide a foundation for thinking about the Windows Azure platform, then offer guidance on how to make good decisions for using it.

In the afternoon track, ISVs and custom software developers can talk with your Microsoft team to debrief from the David Chappell discussion regarding how the Windows Azure platform may be tapped for your business.




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Boston, MA

Friday, Sep 18

Chicago, IL

Monday, Sep 21

Reston, VA

Wednesday, Sep 23

Dallas, TX

Monday, Sep 28

Mountain View, CA

Thursday, Oct 29

Chappell & Associates provides research, analysis, consulting, and writing services to vendors, end user organizations, and others who create, market, or apply new software technologies. Clients have included HP, IBM, Microsoft, Sprint, Stanford University, Target Corporation, and others.

Bruce D. KyleISV Architect Evangelist | Microsoft Corporation

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Technorati Tags: Azure,Cloud Computing Tags: Azure,Cloud Computing