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Windows Azure News


Mobile Services Adds Android Support

We created Mobile Services to make it easier for developers to build engaging and dynamic mobile apps that scale. We’ve made it even easier to develop for the Android platform. The Windows Azure team partnered with Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. to deliver Android support; our friends at MS Open Tech developed the SDK and the Windows Azure team built push support and completed the portal integration. This release also expands Mobile Services availability to the East Asia data center, which reduces latency for developers with customers in Asia. Here are some useful resources:


Android tutorials


The latest Mobile Services video walk-throughs on Channel 9


Sample apps using Mobile Services on GutHub

Chris Risner's blog

SQL Reporting Services, Active Directory, and more

In addition to Mobile Services announcement, we released a number of other exciting enhancements to Windows Azure. Some of these new capabilities include, Windows Azure Active Directory and SQL Reporting Services support in the management portal, ability to download blob storage files directly from the portal and more. Get details on all of the announcements from ScottGU’s blog.
New add-ins in the Windows Azure Store
We are excited to announce the availability of three exciting new add-ins in the Windows Azure Store. If you haven’t experienced it yet, the Windows Azure Store is a place to discover, purchase, and use premium app services and data sets that complement and extend the native functionality of Windows Azure. Most offers in the Windows Azure Store include a free version, so get started exploring today with no obligation. See this blog post for more information. The latest additions to the Windows Azure Store are:



Blitline , which provides industrial-strength, online image processing.




Cloudinary , which seamlessly delivers your website's images from the cloud to your users.




VS Anywhere enables real-time collaboration for Visual Studio.


Windows Azure Store: Expanded availability

We’re excited to announce that the Windows Azure Store is now available in 25 new markets, bringing the number of supported markets to 36. If we haven’t reached your market yet, stay tuned for future updates as we continue to roll out the Windows Azure Store globally. Click here for the list of markets where the Windows Azure Store is available.
Announcing the Windows Azure area on Channel 9 and a new Windows Azure video series
We just launched a new landing page on Channel 9 so that developers can easily find videos, event recordings, and shows about Windows Azure. The page brings together a variety of videos such as screen casts and recordings of events like BUILD and Windows AzureConf, in addition to brand-new content. We also created a new video series that introduce developers to Windows Azure. Check out the site today!