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How to update 'tp_title' field of the UserInfo table of the SharePoint's Content Database from the OM code?

Last week, I got this fascinating requirement. The requirement was to update the 'tp_title' field of the UserInfo table using OM Code API's. As we all SharePoint guys know that any query to the content database (even a select query, as it can affect the indexes) can put you in unsupported scenario with PSS guys.

So the only savior would be through OM code. Checking the table and the values in the table I found that the value can be easily set through the SPUser's name property. So the easy code piece for this would be:-

string strSiteCollectionUrl = "https://abc:1234"; //change it to your SiteCollectionUrl
SPSite site = new SPSite(strSiteCollectionUrl);
SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb();
SPUserCollection userColl = web.Users;
string strLoginName = @"XXX\qz19g4";
string newTitleName = "XXXX VVV- qz10g4";
SPUser user = userColl[strLoginName];
user.Name = strTitleName;