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A Hidden Gem: The WIF Config Schema

During the WIF workshops I get various recurring questions: some have open-ended answers which would satisfy my logorrhea but that require A LOT of time to write, others are just a matter a minutes. Today’s post  belongs to the latter category.

Some of you would like more detailed documentation about the WIF configuration element: I have discovered that not everybody is aware that the full schema is available in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Identity Foundation SDK\vX.X folder! On top of that, there is also a sample XML file which gives a succinct but super-useful explanation of every element’s usage. I am including here a screenshot of the schema (click for full size!) and I am pasting the sample file, so that you can hit it via search engine if you need to.



 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

     In order to use the Windows Identity Foundation Framework to create an ASP.NET 
     website that acts as a Information Card or WS-Federation relying party, 
     you must make a number of changes to your web.config file.

     (1) Reference the Microsoft.IdentityModel assembly

     You must reference the Microsoft.IdentityModel assembly from the 
     system.web/compilation section of your web.config. This section would
     look like this:

             <add assembly="Microsoft.IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" />

     (2) Register the HTTP module

     Support for relying party has been built using the following ASP.NET modules.
        (a) SessionAuthenticationModule
        (b) WSFederationAuthenticationModule
        (c) ClaimsPrincipalHttpModule
     Depending on your scenario you will include one or more of these modules.
     The below examples show how you must add the WSFederationAuthenticationModule in 
     one of two places depending on your hosting environment.

       (a) For "classic" ASP.NET (includes IIS6 or IIS7 with a "classic" application pool)

       You must reference WSFederationAuthenticationModule from the system.web/httpModules
       section of your web.config. This section would look like this:

             <add name="WSFederatedAuthenticationModule" type="Microsoft.IdentityModel.Web.WSFederatedAuthenticationModule, Microsoft.IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"/>
       (b) For IIS7 "integrated" mode

       You must reference WSFederationAuthenticationModule from the system.webServer/modules
       section of your web.config or applicationHost.config. This section would look like

             <add name="WSFederationAuthenticationModule" type="Microsoft.IdentityModel.Web.WSFederationAuthenticationModule, Microsoft.IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" preCondition="managedHandler"/>

     (3) Register the configuration section

     In order to use the rest of the configuration described by this file in your
     web.config, you must reference MicrosoftIdentityModelSection from the configSections
     section of your web.config. This section would look like this:

         <section name="microsoft.identityModel" type="Microsoft.IdentityModel.Web.Configuration.MicrosoftIdentityModelSection, Microsoft.IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"/>


    <!--<section name="microsoft.identityModel" type="Microsoft.IdentityModel.Configuration.MicrosoftIdentityModelSection, Microsoft.IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" />-->
    <section name="microsoft.identityModel" type="Microsoft.IdentityModel.Configuration.MicrosoftIdentityModelSection, Microsoft.IdentityModel" />

     The XML below illustrates the available configuration elements for the 
     WSFederationAuthenticationModule. This section contains some general comments
     about conventions used throughout.


     Many of the elements have a 'mode' attribute. This attribute generally 
     controls which class is used to do a particular part of the processing,
     and which configuration elements are allowed as children of the current 
     element. A configuration error will be raised if elements are included
     in the configuration file which are ignored because of the mode.


     Where TimeSpan is used as the type of an attribute, see the MSDN documentation
     for TimeSpan.Parse to see the allowed format, which fits this specification:
       [ws][-]{ d | [d.]hh:mm[:ss[.ff]] }[ws]

     For example, "30", "30.00:00", "30.00:00:00" all mean 30 days; and "00:05", 
     "00:05:00", "0.00:05:00.00" all mean five minutes.


     Several elements reference certificates. When referencing a certificate, these
     attributes are available:

         A value of the System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreLocation 
         enumeration: CurrentUser, CurrentMachine

         A value of the System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreName 
         enumeration; the most useful for this context are: My, TrustedPeople

         A value of the System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509FindType
         enumeration; the most useful for this context are: FindBySubjectName, 

         The value used to find the certificate, based on the x509FindType. To 
         eliminate the chance of error, it is recommended that the FindByThumbprint
         type be used in production, in which case this attribute has a value which
         is the hex-string form of the certificate thumbprint; for example, 


     Several elements reference custom types, using the 'type' attribute. This 
     attribute should specify the name of the custom type. To reference a type
     from the GAC, a strong name should be used. To reference a type from an 
     assembly in the bin/ directory, a simple assembly-qualified reference may
     be used. Types defined in App_Code/ may also be referenced by simply 
     specifying the type name with no qualifying assembly. Custom types must 
     be derived from the type specified, and they must provide a public default 
     (0 argument) constructor.

        Multiple services may be defined, each with a unique name and defining 
        a specific configuration. 
        <service name="alternate" >

        If no name is specified, the service defines the
        default configuration, which is always used for passive federation scenarios.

         <securityTokenHandlers> contains the set of SecurityTokenHandlers that 
         are registered with the endpoint. The securityTokenHandlers collection 
         by default is populated with Saml11SecurityTokenHandler, Saml2SecurityTokenHandler, 
         KerberosSecurityTokenHandler, WindowsUserNameSecurityTokenHandler, RsaSecurityTokenHandler, 
         X509SecurityTokenHandler and EncryptedSecurityTokenHandler. 
         Each of the TokenHandler setting can have custom configuration as
         a child element to the TokenHandler element entry. Saml11SecurityTokenHandler,  
         Saml2SecurityTokenHandler, X509SecurityTokenHandler and MembershipUserNameSecurityTokenHandler
         have a pre-defined custom configuration section.
         SecurityTokenHandler collections can also be named, to be used in certain circumstances. The only names
         that the framework handles are "ActAs" and "OnBehalfOf". If handlers exist in these collections, they
         will be used lieu of the default handlers for processing ActAs and OnBehalfOf tokens.
         <securityTokenHandlers name="ActAs">
            Configuration specific to this collection of security token handlers.

              <audienceUris> specifies the set of URIs which are acceptable
              as identifying this relying party. Tokens will not be accepted unless
              they are scoped for one of the allowed audience URIs.

              By default, no URIs will be added to the collection.

              The SecurityTokenHandler for the SAML 1.1 and SAML 2.0 token types
              use the values in this collection to configure any allowed audience
              uri restrictions in SamlSecurityTokenRequirement objects.
                <clear/> may be used to remove any URIs that may be in
                this configuration collection.
                Each <add> references an allowed audience URI.
            <add value="" />
                Each <remove> removes an audience URI.
            <remove value="" />

              issuerNameRegistry - All issuer tokens are validated using the IssuerNameRegistry.
              The purpose of the IssuerNameRegistry is to map the issuer token to a string name.
              Any custom type can be registered using the 'type' attribute of the <issuerNameRegistry>
              element. The <issuerNameRegistry> can have one child element that will serve as
              custom configuration to the IssuerNameRegistry. 
              One IssuerNameRegistry type is provided out of the box.
                (a) ConfigurationBasedIssuerNameRegistry - Can be used to configure a set
                    trusted issuer certificates in configuration. This type requires a child
                    configuration element <trustedIssuers> where trusted issuer certificates 
                    configured. <trustedIssuers> configuration adds trusted certs using the
                    ASN.1 encoded form of the certificate thumbprint. 
          <issuerNameRegistry type="Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.ConfigurationBasedIssuerNameRegistry, Microsoft.IdentityModel">
              <add thumbprint="97249e1a5fa6bee5e515b82111ef524a4c9158de" name="" />
              <remove thumbprint="97249e1a5fa6bee5e515b82111ef524a4c9158de" />

              <issuerTokenResolver> registers an issuer token resolver.
              This can be used to resolve Issuer KeyIdentifierClauser while
              deserializing a SAML token.
          <issuerTokenResolver type="MyNamespace.CustomTokenResolver, MyAssembly" />

              <serviceTokenResolver> registers a service token resolver.
              This can be used to resolve Issuer KeyIdentifierClauser while
              deserializing a SAML token.
          <serviceTokenResolver type="MyNamespace.CustomTokenResolver, MyAssembly" />

            <clear /> may be used to clear all the token handlers in the current
        <clear />
            <remove> can be used to remove a specific TokenHandler from the 
             current collection.
             type - The CLR type name of the token handler to be removed.
        <remove type="Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.Saml11.Saml11SecurityTokenHandler, Microsoft.IdentityModel" />
             <add> can be used to add a specific TokenHandler from the 
             current collection. The element can be followed by an custom
             element section. The <add> element can take only one child element
             which describes the custom configuration. When custom configuration
             is used the Token Handler type should expose a constructor that takes
             in an XmlElement.
             public class CustomTokenHandler : SecurityTokenHandler
                 public CustomTokenHandler( XmlElement customConfig )
             type - The CLR type name of the token handler to be added.
        <add type="MyNamespace.CustomTokenHandler, MyAssembly">
          <customConfig myAttr="val">
        <!-- Saml11SecurityTokenHandler and Saml2SecurityTokenHandler have specific custom 
           configuration. This is optional and can be used to change the 
           default settings for any of these.
           <samlSecurityTokenRequirement> element can appear as child element
           for a Saml11SecurityTokenHandler or Saml2SecurityTokenHandler or a derived class
           of any of these. 
           issuerCertificateValidationMode -  X509CertificateValidationMode value that specifies 
           the validation mode to use for the X.509 certificate. The default value is PeerOrChainTrust. 
           issuerCertificateRevocationMode -  X509CertificateRevocationMode type that specifies the revocation mode 
           to use for the X.509 certificate. The default value is Online.

           issuerCertificateTrustedStoreLocation - X509TrustedStoreLocation type that specifies the X.509 certificate 
           store. The default value is LocalMachine. 
           issuerCertificateValidator - A custom type that derives from System.IdentityModel.Selectors.X509CertificateValidator.
           If the certificateValidationMode attribute is "Custom", an instance of this type will be used for issuer certificate validation.

           mapToWindows - Boolean - Default is false. Specifies whether the
           token handler should map the validating token to a Windows account
           by using the incoming UPN claim.

           useWindowsTokenService - Boolean - Default is false. Specifies whether
           the token handler should utilize the Windows Token Service to perform
           the log on operation for the mapToWindows feature.           
        <add type="Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.Saml11.Saml11SecurityTokenHandler, Microsoft.IdentityModel">
          <samlSecurityTokenRequirement issuerCertificateValidationMode="PeerOrChainTrust"

            <!-- <nameClaimType> specifies the claim type that specifies the 
               IIdentity.Name. The value is used to search for a Claim in 
               the SubjectCollection returned by SecurityTokenHandler.ValidateToken
               and the value of the Claim is set as the name of the IIdentity 
               generated from this token handler. 
               value - URI that specifies the name claim type.
            <nameClaimType value="" />

            <!-- <roleClaimType> specifies the set of claim type that defines the
               role type claims in the SubjectCollection created SecurityTokenHandler.
            <roleClaimType value="" />
        <!-- MembershipUserNameSecurityTokenHandler has specific custom 
           <usernameSecurityTokenHandlerRequirement> element can appear as child element
           for a MembershipUserNameSecurityTokenHandler.
           membershipProvider- Specifies the MembershipProvider that should be used
           by this SecurityTokenHandler and must appear as a child element of
        <add type="Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.MembershipUserNameSecurityTokenHandler, Microsoft.IdentityModel">
          <userNameSecurityTokenHandlerRequirement membershipProviderName="AspNetSqlProvider" />

        <!-- X509SecurityTokenHandler has specific custom configuration.
           <x509SecurityTokenHandlerRequirement> element can appear as child element
           for a MembershipUserNameSecurityTokenHandler.
           mapToWindows- boolean value that specifies if the X.509 Certificate being
           validated should be mapped to a windows account. Default value is false.

           certificateValidationMode -  X509CertificateValidationMode value that specifies 
           the validation mode to use for the X.509 certificate. The default value is PeerOrChainTrust. 
           revocationMode -  X509CertificateRevocationMode type that specifies the revocation mode 
           to use for the X.509 certificate. The default value is Online.

           trustedStoreLocation - X509TrustedStoreLocation type that specifies the X.509 certificate 
           store. The default value is LocalMachine. 
           certificateValidator - A custom type that derives from System.IdentityModel.Selectors.X509CertificateValidator.
           If the certificateValidationMode attribute is "Custom", an instance of this type will be used by this handler for certificate validation.
        <add type="Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.X509SecurityTokenHandler, Microsoft.IdentityModel">
          <x509SecurityTokenHandlerRequirement mapToWindows="true" 

              <sessionTokenRequirement> element can appear as a child element for a
              lifetime - lifetime of session tokens
              saveBootstrapTokens - boolean value that specifies if bootstrap tokens should be included
              int the session token
              securityTokenCacheSize - Integer - maximum number of entries in the security token cache
              securityTokenCacheType - String - references a custom type which must be derived from SecurityTokenCache
              useWindowsTokenService - boolean value that specifies whether WindowsLogon tokens should be mapped to windows
        <add type="Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.SessionSecurityTokenHandler, Microsoft.IdentityModel">         
          <sessionTokenRequirement securityTokenCacheType="Microsoft.IdentityModel.MruSecurityTokenCache, Microsoft.IdentityModel"
                                    lifetime="10:00" />


            <certificateValidation> controls the settings that token handlers will use to validate certificates, 
            unless those handlers have their own validators set.

           certificateValidationMode -  X509CertificateValidationMode value that specifies 
           the validation mode to use for the X.509 certificate. The default value is PeerOrChainTrust. 
           revocationMode -  X509CertificateRevocationMode type that specifies the revocation mode 
           to use for the X.509 certificate. The default value is Online.

           trustedStoreLocation - X509TrustedStoreLocation type that specifies the X.509 certificate 
           store. The default value is LocalMachine. 
           certificateValidator - A custom type that derives from System.IdentityModel.Selectors.X509CertificateValidator.
           If the certificateValidationMode attribute is "Custom", an instance of this type will be used by underlying handlers for certificate validation.

      <certificateValidation certificateValidationMode="PeerOrChainTrust"
                             trustedStoreLocation="LocalMachine" >
           <certificateValidator> allows for a custom type to be specified for certificate validation.
           This type will only be used if the certificateValidationMode is set to "Custom"
           Type - A custom type that derives from System.IdentityModel.Selectors.X509CertificateValidator.
           This validator will be used by the default SecurityTokenHandler instances, unless those have their own validators set.

        <certificateValidator type="CustomType" />
      <!-- <maximumClockSkew> Controls the maximum allowed clock skew when 
         performing time-sensitive operations such as validating the expiration
         time of a sign-in session. Defaults to 5 minutes.
      <maximumClockSkew value="00:05:00" />

           <serviceCertificate> controls the certificate used for token 
           decryption. In the case of an Information Card relying party, this
           should be the SSL certificate of the web site.

           Any certificate that is identified must have a private key and the 
           private key must have appropriate access control permissions so that
           it may be read by the application pool identity.
             <certificateReference>, See the comments 
             before the <configuration> element on certificate references.
        <certificateReference x509FindType="FindByThumbprint"
                              storeName="My" />

         <federatedAuthentication> contains all the settings used by the 
         ASP.NET modules. 


         enabled - Boolean - default false
           Controls whether the module added to the ASP.NET pipeline is 
           enabled so that it actively processes each request. The specfic 
           task each module might do depends on the module that is added
           in the pipeline.


           <wsFederattion> defines parameter settings for WS-FEDERATION protocol STS.
           This affects the settings for the WSFederationAuthenticationModule.
           Parameters for WS-Federation
             authenticationType - String - default ""
               The request wauth type
             freshness - Float - default ""
               The value of the required freshness.
             homeRealm - String - default ""
               The home realm of the IdentityProvider
             issuer - String - default ""
               The URI of the token issuer.
             policy - String - default ""
               The URI of the relevant policy.
             realm - String - default ""
               The URI of requesting realm.
             reply - String - default ""
               The URI of address to reply to.
             request - String - default ""
               The URI of WS-FEDERATION request.
             requestPtr - String - default ""
               The URI of WS-FEDERATION request pointer.
             resource - String - default ""
               The URI of WS-FEDERATION resource value.
           requireHttps - Boolean - default true
           Controls whether the module will only redirect a secure URL for the STS.
           passiveRedirectEnabled - Boolean - default false
           Controls whether the module is enabled to automatically redirect
           unauthorized requests to an STS.

           persistentCookiesOnPassiveRedirects - Boolean - default false           
           Specifies whether persistent cookies are issued when the module is enabled to initiate WS-Federation passive protocol redirects.

           signInQueryString - String - default ""
           Application defined parameters for the sign in request URL
           signOutQueryString - String - default ""
           Application defined parameters for the sign out request URL
           signOutReply - String - default ""
           URL to return to following sign out.
      <wsFederation authenticationType="wauth"
                     resource ="https://resource"
                     signOutReply="https://signoutreply" />

           <cookieHandler> controls the CookieHandler, which is responsible for 
           reading and writing raw cookies at the HTTP protocol level. 
           SessionAuthenticationModule uses the cookieHandler to read and write


           Default (default)
             The same as Chunked.

             Uses an instance of the ChunkedCookieHandler class. This cookie 
             handler ensures that individual cookies do not exceed a set maximum
             size. It accomplishes that by potentially "chunking" one logical 
             cookie into a number of on-the-wire cookies.

             Uses an instance of a custom CookieHandler-derived class, referenced
             by the <customCookieHandler> element.
           domain - String - default ""
             The domain value for any cookies written.

           hideFromScript - Boolean - default true
             Controls whether the "HttpOnly" flag is emitted for any cookies 
             written. Certain web browsers honor this flag by keeping client-side
             script from accessing the cookie value.

           name - String - default "FedAuth"
             Controls the base name for any cookies written.

           path - String - default is HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath
             Controls the path value for any cookies written. 

           requireSsl - Boolean - default false
             Controls whether the "Secure" flag is emitted for any cookies 
             written. If this value is set, the sign-in session cookies 
             will only be available over HTTPS.
        <cookieHandler mode="Custom"
             <chunkedCookieHandler> may only be present if the cookieHandler/@mode
             is Default or Chunked. It controls the ChunkedCookieHandler.

             chunkSize - Int32 - default 2000
               The maximum size in characters of the HTTP cookie data for any 
               one HTTP cookie. Care must be taken when adjusting the chunk size. 
               Web browsers have different limits on the size of cookies and number
               per domain. The original Netscape specification stipulated these 
               limits: 300 cookies total, 4096 bytes per cookie header (including 
               metadata, not just the cookie value), and 20 cookies per domain. 
          <chunkedCookieHandler chunkSize="2000" />

             <customCookieHandler> may only be present if the cookieManager/@mode
             is Custom. It references a custom type which must be derived from 
             CookieHandler. See the comments before the <configuration> element on
             custom type references.
          <customCookieHandler type="MyNamespace.CustomCookieHandler, MyAssembly" />


          claimsAuthenticationManager - Registers a Authentication Manager for the incoming
          claims. ClaimsAuthenticationManager that echos the incoming claims is provided 
          through SimpleClaimsAuthenticationManager. <claimsAuthenticationManager> element
          can be used to register other custom types as well. The element does not provide
          mechanism to add any custom configuration for the defined types.
      <claimsAuthenticationManager type="MyNamespace.CustomClaimsAuthenticationManager, MyAssembly"/>

          claimsAuthorizationManager - Registers a Authorization Manager for the incoming
      <claimsAuthorizationManager type="MyNamespace.CustomClaimsAuthenticationManager, MyAssembly"/>
