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DirSync FAQ : Troubleshooting

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I think objects from my AD are not synchronizing into Microsoft Online!

The following object types are synchronized into Microsoft Online.

  1. Users
  2. Contacts with email addresses
  3. Groups with email addresses

Objects that fail to meet validation rules within Microsoft Online will fail synchronization. The technical contact for the company is emailed about these objects. These failures will be retried with every sync cycle and should be fixed at the source to comply with the MSOL validation rules before being created.

Common validation rules that can cause object failures include

  1. Proxy addresses contain characters like apostrophe, ampersand, curly or square braces ('&{}[]).
  2. Primary SMTP address exceeds 64 characters. This is very, very long - eg.

Some of my AD objects are not being synchronized, but don't show up as failures. What is up?

The DirSync tool filters out from synchronization objects that meet the following types of users

  1. Users with the IsSystemCritical flag set.
  2. Users with the SamAccountName that begins with Support_3889...

All my users are showing up after syncing as . I expect them to show up as . What gives?

Things to check

  1. Is verified in the Administration Portal? Not just added - but also verified?
  2. Check userX on-premise. Does their primary SMTP address (in the AD Proxies attribute) match the verified domain -
  3. If userX does not have any proxies - does their MAIL attribute have the email address
  4. If userX's email address onpremise is, is a verified domain in Online?
  5. If the domain was added after DirSync was installed - is there evidence that DirSync is still running successfully? Are other changes being synced to Microsoft Online? It takes a sync cycle or two after verifying a domain to update any users impacted by the new verified domain.

Note : It is expected that licensed users will not have their email addresses edited by DirSync; These users will need to be edited using the MOAC. Since might have already started using Microsoft Online services - be thoughtful about how you communicate the change to them (if their login name is changing) - so they are not locked out of the system.