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At times it can be useful to know when and if errors are occurring in VE3D.  When instructed, VE3D produces a log file that can be helpful for diagnosis.  This requires editing the user.config file and adding an entry:

      <setting name="Logging" serializeAs="String">

The user.config file is located at:

(Vista) C:\Users\{username}\AppData\LocalLow\Microsoft\Virtual Earth 3D

(XP) C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\Application Data\Microsoft\Virtual Earth 3D

Log files are generated at:

(Vista) C:\Users\{username}\AppData\LocalLow\Microsoft\Virtual Earth 3D

(XP) C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Virtual Earth 3D

To increase the verbosity of logs, add another entry to user.config:

      <setting name="LoggingLevel" serializeAs="String">

The values are like so:

0:  Critical errors only.  These errors may affect users.
1:  Warnings only.  These are errors that are handled internally and should not affect users.
2:  Informational.  These are not errors, but can be useful in some cases for debugging.
