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How to Workaround Sorting Errors when Updating Self-Referencing DataSet Tables with Visual Studio 2008 SP1

Hierarchical update is an important feature of typed dataset that refers to the process of saving updated data back to a database while maintaining referential integrity rules. This feature is enhanced in Visual Studio 2008 by introducing a TableAdapterManger component to manage all TableApdaters in a typed dataset. When updating related tables, TableAdapterManager uses foreign-key relationships to determine the correct order to send Insert, Update, and Delete commands from a dataset to the database without violating the foreign-key constraints (referential integrity) in the database.

TableAdpaterManager is automatically generated when you create a typed-dataset in a project with Hierarchical Update enabled (For more information, see How to Enable and Disable Hierarchical Update), and it could greatly reduce the code to save data to multiple related tables. Users just need to call TableAdpaterManager.UpdateAll(DataSet). You could see how easy it is to use this class in “Sample Code Snippet to Update the Database” section of this article. However, when updating self-referencing tables, TableAdpaterManager has some defects in determining the correct order of affected rows, which could cause constraint violation errors when committing the changes to database. We have noticed this problem and are investigating how to resolve it. I’ll explain the idea of the solution and how to work around this issue with Visual Studio 2008 SP1.

What the Problem is
Sample Table

Suppose that you have a self-referencing table named Temp with three columns and a foreign-key relationship.

Table Definition:


Foreign-Key Relation:


Generated Typed-DataSet Code Snippet
Suppose you add a typed-dataset (say, dataset1) to your application, and drag-drop the Temp table from Server Explorer to the dataset designer, Visual Studio will generate code of the typed-dataset for you. Below is the code snippet that is related to this topic.

public partial class TableAdapterManager : global::System.ComponentModel.Component {

    public virtual int UpdateAll(DataSet1 dataSet) {

        . . . . . .

        this.UpdateInsertedRows(dataSet, allAddedRows));

        . . . . . .

        this.UpdateDeletedRows(dataSet, allChangedRows));

        . . . . . .


    private int UpdateInsertedRows(DataSet1 dataSet, global::System.Collections.Generic.List<global::System.Data.DataRow> allAddedRows) {

        . . . . . .

        this.SortSelfReferenceRows(addedRows, dataSet.Relations["FK_Temp_Temp"], false);

        . . . . . .


    private int UpdateDeletedRows(DataSet1 dataSet, global::System.Collections.Generic.List<global::System.Data.DataRow> allChangedRows) {

        . . . . . .

        this.SortSelfReferenceRows(addedRows, dataSet.Relations["FK_Temp_Temp"], true);

        . . . . . .


    protected virtual void SortSelfReferenceRows(global::System.Data.DataRow[] rows, global::System.Data.DataRelation relation, bool childFirst) {

            global::System.Array.Sort<global::System.Data.DataRow>(rows, new SelfReferenceComparer(relation, childFirst));


    private class SelfReferenceComparer : object, global::System.Collections.Generic.IComparer<global::System.Data.DataRow> {

        private global::System.Data.DataRelation _relation;

        private int _childFirst;

        . . . . . .

      public int Compare(global::System.Data.DataRow row1, global::System.Data.DataRow row2) {

             if (object.ReferenceEquals(row1, row2)) {

                 return 0;


             if ((row1 == null)) {

                 return -1;


             if ((row2 == null)) {

                 return 1;


             // Is row1 the child or grandchild of row2

             if (this.IsChildAndParent(row1, row2)) {

                 return this._childFirst;


             // Is row2 the child or grandchild of row1

             if (this.IsChildAndParent(row2, row1)) {

                 return (-1 * this._childFirst);


             return 0;





Partial Public Class TableAdapterManager

        Inherits Global.System.ComponentModel.Component

    Public Overridable Function UpdateAll(ByVal dataSet As DataSet1) As Integer

   . . . . . .

        Me.UpdateInsertedRows(dataSet, allAddedRows)

        . . . . . .

        Me.UpdateDeletedRows(dataSet, allChangedRows)

        . . . . . .

    End Function

    Private Function UpdateInsertedRows(ByVal dataSet As DataSet1, ByVal allAddedRows As Global.System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Global.System.Data.DataRow)) As Integer

          . . . . . .

          Me.SortSelfReferenceRows(addedRows, dataSet.Relations("FK_Temp_Temp"), False)

          . . . . . .

    End Function


    Private Function UpdateDeletedRows(ByVal dataSet As DataSet1, ByVal allChangedRows As Global.System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Global.System.Data.DataRow)) As Integer

          . . . . . .

          Me.SortSelfReferenceRows(addedRows, dataSet.Relations("FK_Temp_Temp"), True)

          . . . . . .

    End Function


    Protected Overridable Sub SortSelfReferenceRows(ByVal rows() As Global.System.Data.DataRow, ByVal relation As Global.System.Data.DataRelation, ByVal childFirst As Boolean)

        Global.System.Array.Sort(Of Global.System.Data.DataRow)(rows, New SelfReferenceComparer(relation, childFirst))

    End Sub


    Private Class SelfReferenceComparer

             Inherits Object

             Implements Global.System.Collections.Generic.IComparer(Of Global.System.Data.DataRow)

        Private _relation As Global.System.Data.DataRelation

        Private _childFirst As Integer

        . . . . . .

        Public Function Compare(ByVal row1 As Global.System.Data.DataRow, ByVal row2 As Global.System.Data.DataRow) As Integer

                 Implements Global.System.Collections.Generic.IComparer(Of Global.System.Data.DataRow).Compare

            If Object.ReferenceEquals(row1, row2) Then

                Return 0

        End If

        If (row1 Is Nothing) Then

          Return -1

         End If

        If (row2 Is Nothing) Then

          Return 1

        End If


      'Is row1 the child or grandchild of row2

        If Me.IsChildAndParent(row1, row2) Then

           Return Me._childFirst

        End If


            ' row2 the child or grandchild of row1

        If Me.IsChildAndParent(row2, row1) Then

          Return (-1 * Me._childFirst)

        End If

        Return 0

        End Function

    End Class

End Class


Sample Code Snippet to Update the Database
Then, you could update the table with the help of TableAdapterManager. Below is snippet of sample code to insert some rows to the self-referencing Temp table, and then delete them.

    DataSet1 ds = new DataSet1();


    DataSet1.TempRow row1 = ds.Temp.AddTempRow(1, null, "Row 1");

    DataSet1.TempRow row4 = ds.Temp.AddTempRow(4, null, "Row 4");

    DataSet1.TempRow row2 = ds.Temp.AddTempRow(2, row1, "Row 2");

    DataSet1.TempRow row3 = ds.Temp.AddTempRow(3, row4, "Row 3");


    DataSet1TableAdapters.TableAdapterManager manager = new DataSet1TableAdapters.TableAdapterManager();

    . . . . . .

    manager.UpdateAll(ds); // Insert the rows







    manager.UpdateAll(ds); // Delete the rows

    Dim ds As DataSet1 = New DataSet1


    Dim row1 As DataSet1.TempRow = ds.Temp.AddTempRow(1, Nothing, "Row 1")

    Dim row4 As DataSet1.TempRow = ds.Temp.AddTempRow(4, Nothing, "Row 4")

    Dim row2 As DataSet1.TempRow = ds.Temp.AddTempRow(2, row1, "Row 2")

    Dim row3 As DataSet1.TempRow = ds.Temp.AddTempRow(3, row4, "Row 3")


    Dim manager As DataSet1TableAdapters.TableAdapterManager = New DataSet1TableAdapters.TableAdapterManager

    manager.UpdateAll(ds) ' Insert the rows







    manager.UpdateAll(ds) ' Delete the rows


What is the Problem and Why
From the code at the beginning of the post, we can see that TableAdapterManager uses System.Array.Sort<T>(T, IComparer<T>) to sort all rows before inserting them into or deleting them from database so that no violations to foreign-key constraints occur. The expected sorting result is: parent first for inserted rows, and child first for deleted rows. Take the sample code above for example, before calling SortSelfReferenceRows method, content of the array to insert is <R1, R4, R2, R3>. After calling the sorting method, R1 should come before R2, and R4 should come before R3. Because R1 is Parent of R2, and R4 is Parent of R3. Sequence between two rows that do not have Parent-Child (or Grandparent-Grandchild, etc) relationships are undetermined, e.g., R1 could come either before or after R4.

For each pair <row1, row2> in the array to sort, SortSelfReferenceRows.Compare() will be called to determine their sequence in the output array. From the implementation of SortSelfReferenceRows.Compare, we could see that any two rows that do not have a Parent-Child (or Grandparent-Grandchild, etc) relationship are treated equal. This is OK if all possible row pairs are compared, e.g. < R1, R4>, < R1, R2>, < R1, R3>, < R4, R2>, < R4, R3>, < R2, R3> are all explicitly compared by passing them to SortSelfReferenceRows.Compare. However, System.Array.Sort is implemented using QuickSort, it does not compare every possible row pair. Instead, equation relationships of rows are treated transitive. For example, if < R1, R4>is compared and the result is R1 == R4, < R4, R2> is compared and the result is R4 == R2, then System.Array.Sort will indicate that R1 == R2, and does NOT compare < R1, R2> at all! Clearly, you could see that R1 is Parent of R2, < R1, R2> should be explicitly compared and the result should be R1 < R2.

The Idea of the Solution
So, how to sort the array so that no foreign-key constraints are violated? The idea is to treat the array as a forest, group all rows that have the same root into a tree, and compare the rows based on their root and their distance to the root. For example, suppose we have an array < R1, R2, …, R14>, and the Parent-Child relationships among its elements are shown like picture below.


We still use System.Array.Sort<T>(T, ICompare<T>) to sort the array. That means we do not have direct control over the sorting algorithm, and we do not know what row pairs to be compared or the sequence of these comparisons. However, we do could impact the sorting process by controlling the comparison result of row pairs. That’s why we need to re-write the SelfReferenceComparer.Compare method.

The pseudo code of the new Compare method is (suppose Parent First):

                int Compare (DataRow row1, DataRow row2)
                 DataRow root1 = row1’s root;

                                int distance1 = row1’s distance to root1

                                DataRow root2 = row2’s root;

                                int distance2 = row2’s distance to root2;

                                if (root1 == root2)

                                                return distance1 – distance2;


                                                return root1.RowIndex – root2.RowIndex;



How to Work-Around The Problem with Visual Studio 2008 SP1
With Visual Studio 2008 SP1, as a workaround, you could derive from the generated TableAdpaterManager and override its SortSelfReferenceRows method to implement this algorithm by yourself. Of course, you could put your code anywhere of your project, but it’s recommended to put them in the typed-dataset’s source code file. Right-click the typed-dataset (say, DataSet1.xsd), and choose “View Code”, Visual Studio will automatically create the source code file for you (DataSet1.cs in this case). It’s recommended you put your implementation code here.

Your code could be like this:

    // Derive from the generated TableAdapterManager and use it in your code instead

    public class MyTableAdpaterManager : DataSet1TableAdapters.TableAdapterManager {

        // Override this virtual method, and pass your own IComparer class

        protected override void SortSelfReferenceRows(System.Data.DataRow[] rows, System.Data.DataRelation relation, bool childFirst) {

            System.Array.Sort<System.Data.DataRow>(rows, new MySelfReferenceComparer(relation, childFirst));


        private class MySelfReferenceComparer : object, global::System.Collections.Generic.IComparer<global::System.Data.DataRow> {

            private global::System.Data.DataRelation _relation;

            private int _childFirst;

            internal MySelfReferenceComparer(global::System.Data.DataRelation relation, bool childFirst) {

                this._relation = relation;

                if (childFirst) {

                    this._childFirst = -1;


                else {

         this._childFirst = 1;




            // Get the root of a row, and calculate its distance to the root

            private global::System.Data.DataRow GetRoot(global::System.Data.DataRow row, out int distance) {

                global::System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((row != null));

                global::System.Data.DataRow root = row;

                distance = 0;


                // Save all traversed rows to avoid infinite loop

                global::System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<global::System.Data.DataRow, global::System.Data.DataRow> traversedRows = new global::System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<global::System.Data.DataRow, global::System.Data.DataRow>();

                traversedRows[row] = row;


                global::System.Data.DataRow parent = row.GetParentRow(this._relation, global::System.Data.DataRowVersion.Default);

                while ((parent != null) && !traversedRows.ContainsKey(parent)) {


                    root = parent;

                    traversedRows[parent] = parent;

                    parent = parent.GetParentRow(this._relation, global::System.Data.DataRowVersion.Default);



                // This is mainly for Deleted rows

                if (distance == 0) {


                    traversedRows[row] = row;

                    parent = row.GetParentRow(this._relation, global::System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original);

                    while ((parent != null) && !traversedRows.ContainsKey(parent)) {


                        root = parent;

                        traversedRows[parent] = parent;

                        parent = parent.GetParentRow(this._relation, global::System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original);



                return root;



            public int Compare(global::System.Data.DataRow row1, global::System.Data.DataRow row2) {

                if (object.ReferenceEquals(row1, row2)) {

                    return 0;



                if ((row1 == null)) {

                    return -1;



                if ((row2 == null)) {

                    return 1;



                // Get root of row1 and calculate its distance to the root

                int distance1 = 0;

                global::System.Data.DataRow root1 = this.GetRoot(row1, out distance1);


                // Get root of row2 and calculate its distance to the root

         int distance2 = 0;

                global::System.Data.DataRow root2 = this.GetRoot(row2, out distance2);


                if (object.ReferenceEquals(root1, root2)) {

                    return this._childFirst * distance1.CompareTo(distance2);


                else {

                    // Compare root1 and root2 with their row index to ensure the correct sort order

                    global::System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((root1.Table != null) && (root2.Table != null));

                    if (root1.Table.Rows.IndexOf(root1) < root2.Table.Rows.IndexOf(root2)) {

                        return -1;


                    else {

                        return 1;








    ' Derive from the generated TableAdapterManager and use it in your code instead

    Public Class MyTableAdapterManager

        Inherits DataSet1TableAdapters.TableAdapterManager

        ' Override this virtual method, and pass your own IComparer class

        Protected Overrides Sub SortSelfReferenceRows(ByVal rows() As System.Data.DataRow, ByVal relation As System.Data.DataRelation, ByVal childFirst As Boolean)

            Global.System.Array.Sort(Of Global.System.Data.DataRow)(rows, New MySelfReferenceComparer(relation, childFirst))

        End Sub


        Private Class MySelfReferenceComparer

            Inherits Object

            Implements Global.System.Collections.Generic.IComparer(Of Global.System.Data.DataRow)

            Private _relation As Global.System.Data.DataRelation

            Private _childFirst As Integer


            Friend Sub New(ByVal relation As Global.System.Data.DataRelation, ByVal childFirst As Boolean)

                Me._relation = relation

                If childFirst Then

                    Me._childFirst = -1


                    Me._childFirst = 1

                End If

            End Sub


            ' Get root of a row, and calculate its distance to the root

            Private Function GetRoot(ByVal row As Global.System.Data.DataRow, ByRef distance As Integer) As Global.System.Data.DataRow

                Global.System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((Not (row) Is Nothing))

                Dim root As Global.System.Data.DataRow = row

                distance = 0


                ' Save all traversed rows to avoid infinite loop

                Dim traversedRows As Global.System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary(Of Global.System.Data.DataRow, Global.System.Data.DataRow) = New Global.System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of Global.System.Data.DataRow, Global.System.Data.DataRow)()

                traversedRows(row) = row


                Dim parent As Global.System.Data.DataRow = row.GetParentRow(Me._relation, Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.[Default])

                Do While ((Not (parent Is Nothing)) _

                            AndAlso (traversedRows.ContainsKey(parent) = False))

                    distance = distance + 1

                    root = parent

                    traversedRows(parent) = parent

                    parent = parent.GetParentRow(Me._relation, Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Default)



                ' This is mainly for Deleted rows

                If (distance = 0) Then

                    parent = row.GetParentRow(Me._relation, Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original)

                    Do While ((Not (parent Is Nothing)) _

                            AndAlso (traversedRows.ContainsKey(parent) = False)) 

                        distance = distance + 1

                        root = parent

                        traversedRows(parent) = parent

                        parent = parent.GetParentRow(Me._relation, Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original)


                End If

                Return root

            End Function


            Public Function Compare(ByVal row1 As Global.System.Data.DataRow, ByVal row2 As Global.System.Data.DataRow) As Integer Implements Global.System.Collections.Generic.IComparer(Of Global.System.Data.DataRow).Compare

                If Object.ReferenceEquals(row1, row2) Then

                    Return 0

                End If


  If (row1 Is Nothing) Then

                    Return -1

                End If


                If (row2 Is Nothing) Then

                    Return 1

                End If


                'Get root of row1 and calculate its distance to root

                Dim distance1 As Integer = 0

                Dim root1 As Global.System.Data.DataRow = Me.GetRoot(row1, distance1)


                'Get root of row2 and calculate its distance to root

                Dim distance2 As Integer = 0

                Dim root2 As Global.System.Data.DataRow = Me.GetRoot(row2, distance2)


                If Object.ReferenceEquals(root1, root2) Then

                    Return Me._childFirst * distance1.CompareTo(distance2)


             ' Compare root1 and root2 with their row index to ensure the correct sort order

                    Global.System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((Not root1.Table Is Nothing) AndAlso (Not root2.Table Is Nothing))

                    If (root1.Table.Rows.IndexOf(root1) < root2.Table.Rows.IndexOf(root2)) Then

                        Return -1


                        Return 1

                    End If

                End If

            End Function

        End Class

End Class


For the complete sample code, you could download it at Code Gallery.  Cheers!


  • Anonymous
    September 18, 2009
    I am creating my project on c# and this tips is really helpful for me in my project for database connection of self reference tables.

  • Anonymous
    April 06, 2010
    Thank you for posting this -- we'd encountered this problem, and the fixed SelfReferenceComparer seems to work nicely.