Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 - Arabic edition
if you are seeking for an Arabic Implementation for MOSS or WSS, you need to read this document first,,,
What is the Arabic language support?
Adding Arabic support to the Environment
3.1 Adding Arabic language support to Windows XP/2003 server
3.2 Adding Arabic language support to Internet Explorer
3.3 Adding Arabic support in SQL Server
3.4 Office SharePoint Arabic language pack
Arabic support Level in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
4.1 Central Administration page "الادارة المركزية"
4.2 Shared Services Administration page "ادارة الخدمات المشتركة"
4.3 Create page "أنشاء"
4.4 Create New Site page "أنشاء موقع جديد"
4.5 The Site Settings page "اعدادات الموقع"
4.6 Regional settings available for Office SharePoint Server 2007 sites
Adding more items to the site
5.1 Discussions "المناقشات"
5.2 Calendar "التقويم"
5.3 Documents "المستندات"
5.4 Tasks "المهام"
5.5 Search Feature in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
5.6 What are the system requirements for SharePoint Server?
6.6 Q & A
if you want some instructions to deploye Language Packs on MOSS, read the following article:
• About language IDs and language packs
• Preparing your front-end Web servers for language packs
• Installing language packs on your front-end Web servers
May 02, 2007
March 17, 2010
Can you have the Central Administration website display in both English and Arabic?Anonymous
March 17, 2010
@Karthick, For the central admin you have only one language and it is the same language that you have originally installed SharePoint. the purpose from the language pack is to add the other languages support to create sites in those languages.