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Hello from Jim!

Here's a quick introduction. I started with Microsoft as an SMS Support Engineer back in 1998 supporting SMS 1.2 and 2.0. Yes, somehow I survived the SMS 2.0 release ... what's the old saying "if it doesn't kill you, it'll make you stronger". Those of you that go back that far with SMS know exactly what I mean! Eventually we released SMS 2.0 SP3 and life was good again. 

Over the years, I've held a number of roles in the SMS world here at Microsoft, often finding myself an advocate for the SMS support teams and customers. I'm very proud of the work that we did on SMS 2003, truely a quality-driven, customer-focused software release. 

I been on the SMS writing team for almost 2 years now and have just recently transitioned to the role of Programming Writer where I'll focus on writing for the SMS SDK. 

Jim Bradbury , MCSE
Programming Writer, Windows & Enterprise Management Division - UA