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TechNet Wiki and Curah! - Share what you know

Every time I read Curah’s tagline I immediately think of the TechNet Wiki community spirit. “Curate the web and share what you know”. It’s the sharing aspect that reflects the essence of what the Wiki is all about. Curating the best parts of the Wiki is definitely a community win! In this post I’ll be highlighting the efforts by the community to curate articles from the TechNet Wiki within Curah.

Curah was officially launched on November 20, 2013 and since then I’d say it’s been a great start. You can visit Curah at and follow the team on Twitter @mscurah.

Curah previously highlighted on the Wiki Ninjas Blog

Curah has already been highlighted twice by other Wiki Ninja Bloggers:

Curah related articles on the TechNet Wiki

  • Curah! Portal on the TechNet Wiki
  • Tag Search: Curah! articles on the TechNet Wiki (these articles are about Curah! itself)
  • Tag Search: TechNet Wiki articles 'Curated in Curah' (see also 'Curated in Curah' in the Portuguese Wiki). Articles with this tag have been included in a curation within Curah!

With the above links you'll find resources to get you started on your curator journey. There are English and Japanese resources available at this time. If anyone can translate the portal and resources to other languages, the community would be grateful.

Curah Statistics

Since the intent and scope of Curah is to enable everyone to curate and share the best technology articles from all corners of the Internet, let’s start with some overall Curah statistics (not specific to the TechNet Wiki).

Curah Overall Statistics - Summary
General Totals Curations by Language Links Curated by Language
Curations: 1403 Curators: 566 Links curated: 6223 Unique Links curated: 5870 838 en 127 tr 110 es 59 zh-Hant 51 pt-BR 35 th 34 de 33 ja 23 ru 22 zh-Hans 22 it 18 ar 13 fr 9 pt-PT 5 id 3 az-Latn 1 he 3942 en 639 tr 361 es 260 zh-Hant 213 pt-BR 156 de 155 ja 91 it 87 th 81 zh-Hans 71 ru 49 ar 46 fr 43 az-Latn 13 pt-PT 12 id 4 he

I think these numbers are great for the first two full months an the numbers are growing daily. The name of the game is provide quality expert curations, not quantity.

Wiki Related Statistics

Now, of course this post is all about highlighting articles from the TechNet Wiki! Here is the same table as presented above, but this time with TechNet Wiki specific numbers related to curations in Curah!:

Curah TechNet Wiki Related Statistics - Summary
General Totals Curations by Language Links Curated by Language
Curations*: 105 Curators*: 46 Links curated: 213 Unique Links curated: 199 * contains/provided 1 or more TechNet Wiki Link(s) 72 en 14 tr 11 pt-BR 2 ru 1 az-Latn 1 zh-Hant 1 fr 1 id 1 it 1 ja 163 en 19 tr 11 pt-BR 10 az-Latn 3 ja 2 id 2 ru 1 zh-Hant 1 fr 1 it

Here are some general percentages related to TechNet Wiki curations in Curah:

  • % of overall curations that contain one (or more) TechNet Wiki link(s): 7.48 %
  • % of overall curated links from the TechNet Wiki: 3.42 %
  • % of overall unique curated links from the TechNet Wiki: 3.39 %
  • % of overall curators who contributed one (or more) TechNet Wiki link(s): 8.13 %

Who's curating and who's articles are being curated?

As both Curah and the TechNet Wiki both rely on a large community of passionate individuals to contribute content, this next set of statistics recognize the top 15 contributors in three different categories. Congratulations to everyone on these lists! The first two categories represent work done within Curah. The third category is a listing of Wiki Article Authors (Article First Publishers) whose work has been curated in Curah.

Top Curah Curators - TechNet Wiki Related Curations
Curations by curator that include 1 or more TechNet Wiki Link(s): Curation links by curator that point to TechNet Wiki Articles: TechNet Wiki Articles curated in Curah by Article First Publisher:
(16) Gokan Ozcifci (13) Joe Davies (7) Mehmet PARLAKYIGIT (6) Rover Marinho (4) Rick Byham (4) Nitin Mehrotra (4) Heidi Steen (4) Luiz Henrique Lima Campos [MVP] (3) Bruno Lewin (2) Curah! Webmaster (2) Gary Ericson (2) AMOL M GHUGE (2) Mandi Ohlinger (2) Kumar Vivek (2) Denis Reznik (45) Gokan Ozcifci (31) Joe Davies (25) Craig Lussier (10) Elguc Yusifbeyli (9) Rick Byham (8) Mehmet PARLAKYIGIT (6) Curah! Webmaster (6) Kumar Vivek (6) Rover Marinho (5) Yuri Diogenes (4) Nitin Mehrotra (4) Heidi Steen (4) Bruno Lewin (4) Mandi Ohlinger (4) Luiz Henrique Lima Campos [MVP] (29) Joe Davies (11) Gokan Ozcifci (10) Elguc Yusifbeyli-TAT (9) Matthew Yarlett (9) Rick Byham, Microsoft (8) Yelenah_ (7) Arman Obosyan (6) Thomas W Shinder - MSFT (6) tonysoper_MSFT (6) Kumar Vivek (5) Margriet Bruggeman (5) Craig Lussier (5) Brent Groom (4) Benoit Jester - MTFC (4) Heidi Steen - SQLUE

Curation Keywords and TechNet Wiki Tags

This next table highlights the top 30 keywords curators used to describe curations that included one or more link to the TechNet Wiki. Also included are the top 30 TechNet Wiki Article Tags from the set of TechNet Wiki Articles curated within Curah.

Top Curah Keywords and TechNet Wiki Tags - TechNet Wiki Related Curations
Curah Keywords TechNet Wiki Article Tags
(12) SharePoint 2013 (7) Exchange Server (6) SharePoint 2010 (6) Rollup (6) Service Pack (6) Rover Marinho (5) PowerShell (4) SQL Server 2012 (4) Exchange (4) SP (4) Atualização (3) Windows (3) TLG (3) Windows Azure (3) security (3) SQL Server (3) Analysis Services (3) SSAS (3) Windows Azure SQL Database (3) Update (3) Exchange Server 2007 (2) Windows Server (2) SharePoint (2) TechNet Wiki (2) Gokan Ozcifci (2) Exchange Server 2013 (2) BizTalk (2) Windows Azure Pack (2) WAP (2) Windows Server 2012 (212) Curated in Curah (171) en-US (96) has comment (94) has image (85) Has TOC (68) SharePoint (65) has See Also (55) SharePoint 2013 (38) has code (31) Has Table (30) SharePoint 2010 (28) PowerShell (23) Link Collection (21) TechNet Guru (19) test lab guides (18) TechNet Wiki Featured Article (18) has Other Languages (17) tr-TR (16) Multi Language Wiki Articles (14) security (13) has video (13) SQL Server (13) Windows Server 2012 (13) TLGs (12) From Blog (11) Sharepoint development (11) Gokan Ozcifci (11) How To (11) has 20+ comments (11) Active Directory

As a suggestion to everyone, if you add a TechNet Wiki link to a curation in Curah, please add the 'Curated in Curah' tag to the article within the TechNet Wiki.

Note on Curah Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Curations with a thoughtful title, description and keywords do in fact appear and rank well in Bing and Google search results. As you would expect, the title, description and keywords you provide appear within the appropriate meta tags in the HTML of your curation.

As an example, I have a curation titled “SharePoint: TechNet Wiki Guru Awards - Monthly Winning Articles” and this is ranked pretty well in Bing and Google. At the time of this blog, when I search for “technet wiki guru awards” it is ranked #5 in both search engines. When I search for “technet wiki guru awards sharepoint” it is the #1 result in both search engines. I'd say these search results are pretty good indeed!

For Curah SEO Tips visit Curah: SEO Best Practices for Content Curators.

The Statistics will keep on coming!

I plan on posting regular updates on statistics related to Curah and the TechNet Wiki over at the Wiki Ninja Announcements Blog.

I hope you found this post insightful. To everyone in the Wiki community - great work embracing Curah! Keep the curations coming.




  • Anonymous
    January 21, 2014
    Turkish and Spanish curations are in the lead! You know, there's a really passionate Spanish community out there that we need to get to plug into Wiki leadership more!
  • Anonymous
    January 22, 2014
    Bu blog yazımızda Craig Lussier tarafından yazılmış “Bildiklerinizi Paylaşın” ismili makalenin
  • Anonymous
    January 22, 2014
    Thank you Craig Lussier.
  • Anonymous
    January 22, 2014
    This is fantastic info, thanks so much for it, Craig.
  • Anonymous
    January 22, 2014
    Great Craig; Eluguc who is a TAT member has translate and blogged about that article: Congratz to both!!
  • Anonymous
    February 06, 2014
    Gokan, that's awesome! Thank you to Elguc for the translation!
  • Anonymous
    February 25, 2014
    Last November we launched a new site called Curah , it was announced in the Server & Cloud Blog and
  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2014
    TechNet Wiki and Curah! - Share what you know
  • Anonymous
    November 19, 2014
    Hello and welcome everybody to our Wednesday - Wiki Life post.
    This week we celebrate one year of
  • Anonymous
    April 08, 2015
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    September 08, 2017