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The MVP year of the TN Wiki

Today, I've had the tremendous honor to be renewed as Microsoft MVP for Enterprise Mobility (Identity & Access).

The award is a recognition to people who passionately share their knowledge with the community.

It is (re-)evaluated again every single year. In essence the award is looking at the last year, with no guarantee for the next year.

Due to the change in the program last 2 years (moving from quarter renewal to 1 per year), the pressure for the existing MVP in the program was quite high. So, this year the turn-over in the program was a bit more (painfully) visible, as lot of people didn't make the renewal for this year. (because this is the first actual renewal in 1,5yr for some of us who have had an 'extended' MVP year...)
For some of the MVP that's a very clear wake-up call, the bar is set high and kept high, no matter what you did last 5, 10, 20 years...

But what is more important: I couldn't achieve this without the help of the Microsoft Community, more specific with the help of the highly motivated TechNet Wiki Ninja's #TNWIKI.


And special thanks to (in random order) Peter (aka Pedro) Laker, Ronen Ariely, Ed Price, Edward van Biljon, Kamlesh Kumar, Ken Cenerelli, Naomi Nosonovsky, Richard Mueller, Syed Shanu, Arleta Wanat, Chendrayan Venkatesan, Karen Payne, George Grammatikos, Jaliya Udagedara ,Thuan Soldier … and MANY , MANY MORE...

@all and every one of you, also the ones I have forgotten to list here: thank you very much for supporting me and making this possible. Highly appreciated!!

And for the highly respected MVPs that didn't make it this year: don't stop giving-back, … see you back in the group the next year!
It's never too late for re-entry in next cycle (I've been there, done that... ).

And that's another reason I wanted to call out to the Wiki Ninjas, sharing their knowledge in the MS Community.

Keep going!

Not only on

  • MSDN/TechNet Forums, other forums, or
  • MSDN/TN blogs, or other blogs, or
  • online community events, or
  • offline community event, or
  • on Facebook, or
  • on Twitter
  • ...

but most important, the valuable articles on TechNet Wiki have provided the step up to the MVP award for many of us.

And whatever will happen to the Wiki, in any new or old format, it's never too late to join and help building community, creating impact.

Because that's what MVP is about, it's not the award, but the mindset to build community.
Passionately share your knowledge with the community.  

Start to Wiki.


  • Anonymous
    July 01, 2018
    Congratulations Peter. I was also renewed, and I believe my Wiki contributions had a lot to do with it. Rumor is that the number of MVP's awarded has been reduced, with much more emphasis on Azure and cloud technologies. I was shocked at how many people reported that they were informed they would not be renewed. But it is encouraging that Wiki contributions are apparently valued in the selection process. Again, congratulations Peter, and to all MVP's that were renewed.
  • Anonymous
    July 01, 2018
    Congratulation Peter and all our TechNet Wiki ninjas who also awarded or renewed MVP :)
  • Anonymous
    July 01, 2018
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    July 02, 2018
    Great read Peter and Congrats on renewed as MVP again,Congrats to all the MVP's.Its great pleasure to be part of TechNet wiki.
  • Anonymous
    July 02, 2018
    Congratulation, Peter and all TechNet Wiki Ninjas who renewed their Microsoft MVP. Thank you to all those TechNet Wiki MVPs that builds a community that cares about documentation, shares their technical knowledge prowess through wiki articles and passionately contributes innovative/interesting ["there are more ways than one to skin a cat"] wiki articles that cannot be found in product documentation. :)
  • Anonymous
    July 02, 2018
    Great Inspiration Peter. Congrats to your hard work !! Well done :)
  • Anonymous
    July 02, 2018
    Congrats Peter and all TNWIKI Ninjas ;-) Keep Going with the Awesome content on TNWiki !