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VSTS Rangers Projects – TFS Migration Tools: Who are the leads?

We introduced the leads for VSTS Rangers Projects – VSTS 2010 101 Guidance: Who are the Leads? … let’s continue the introductions, by chatting about the third project I am responsible for and have the pleasure of working with a great bunch of leads and other team members. As before the initiatives are cross referenced here and you can also visit our VSTS rangers site here.

Core, Review, VM


Adapter Doc

WSS Sample


Bijan Javidi & Willy-Peter Schaub  VSTS Core Rangers Harish Reddy Kothapalli Microsoft Mathias Olausson Team System MVP Sampath Kumar Microsoft Brian Keller Microsoft
Bijan Javidi (Bijan) Harish Reddy Kothapalli Mathias Olausson image Brian Keller

The team is on the verge of completing all of the above areas, with the exception of the WSS Sample pillar, which will be released in stages during October and November.

A huge THANK YOU for the knowledge, the experience and especially the passion that these feature area leads and their feature area members are contributing to this initiative. We have a number of amazing team members, some of whom are active on all three projects and are at this stage working weekends to assist in completing the final sprint to the finish line. Truly “awesome” as they typically say in this part of the world :)

What’s next?

  • Next week I am planning to blog about
    • TFS Migration Tools … the joy (really?) of conflict resolution
    • Leads of the VSTS Rangers - Virtualizing the Deployment of VSTS 2010 project
  • Plus
    • Planning the use of TFS Migration Tools … what are some of the key questions you need to ask yourself?

Have a great weekend!