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Any clues to why we're seeing Error code 1912: Could not unregister type library for [file]?


Any clues to why we're seeing Error code 1912: Could not unregister type library for [file]?


The error comes from the typelibrary API -- so it's what's having an issue.

From the log file:

 MSI (s) (84:FC) [11:44:22:589]: Executing op: TypeLibraryUnregister(,,FilePath=C:\Program Files\Microsoft CRM\Client\bin\BizOrganization.dll,LibID={E0DC0347-4D0F-31E6-9422-EE0F1A42C1BC},Version=258,,Language=0,,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (84:FC) [11:44:22:616]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\TypeLib\{E0DC0347-4D0F-31E6-9422-EE0F1A42C1BC}\1.2\0\win32 3: 2 
MSI (s) (84:FC) [11:44:22:629]: CMsiServices::ProcessTypeLibrary runs in local context, impersonated.
MSI (s) (84:FC) [11:44:22:669]: ProcessTypeLibraryCore returns: -2147312566. (0 means OK) 
MSI (s) (84:FC) [11:44:22:695]: Note: 1: 2107 2: C:\Program Files\Microsoft CRM\Client\bin\BizOrganization.dll 3: -2147312566 
Info 1912.Could not unregister type library for file C:\Program Files\Microsoft CRM\Client\bin\BizOrganization.dll. Contact your support personnel.

-2147312566 = 80029C4A

From winerror.h:


// MessageText:
// Error loading type library/DLL.

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[Author: Robert Flaming]

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