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Steps to Upgrade to TFS 2010 onto new hardware

Important: Install the hotfix mentioned here before running the upgrade wizard:

The steps below outline how to upgrade your TFS server to TFS 2010 when using new hardware. This will let you keep your production server up an running while you poke around with TFS 2010.  


Note that if you do not plan to have both your production server and test server up at the same time, you can skip a lot of these steps. You don't need duplicate Reporting Services and SharePoint, for example. You also will not want to restamp re-stamp the TFS instance, so you can skip step 15 below.


1. Backup TFS databases

a. For TFS 2005 and TFS2008: TfsActivityLogging, TfsBuild, TfsIntegration, TfsVersionControl, TfsWorkItemTracking, TfsWorkItemTrackingAttachments

b. For TFS 1010: All DBs that start with TFS_ : Tfs_Configuration, Tfs_<CollectionNames>, Tfs_Warehouse, Tfs_AnalysisServices

2. Backup RS databases

a. ReportServer, ReportServerTempDB

3. Backup SharePoint content Database (Only need the one with TFS content)

a. STS_Content_TFS ( or WSS_Content_TFS, or WSS_Content or STS_Content)

4. Install SQL RS 2008 (optional: you can opt-out of Reporting in TFS 2010)

5. Install SharePoint WSS 3.0 SP1 (optional: you can opt-out of SharePoint in TFS 2010)

6. Configure SharePoint for Server Farm (optional)

a. Either Use the SharePoint wizard

b. Or the cmdline: (as Administrator, Change directory to (%commonprogramfiles%\MicrosoftShared\Web Server Extensions\12\bin”)

                       i. stsadm -o setconfigdb -databaseserver <datatier\instance> -farmuser <wssAccount> -farmpassword <wssAccountPassword>

                     ii. psconfig -cmd adminvs -provision -port 17012 -windowsauthprovider onlyusentlm

                    iii. stsadm -o extendvs -exclusivelyusentlm -url https://<machineName>:80 -ownerlogin <wssAccount> -owneremail "admin@localhost" -sitetemplate sts -description "Default Web Site"

                     iv. stsadm -o siteowner -url https://localhost:80 -secondarylogin <currentUser>

                       v. iisreset

7. Restore TFS databases to new data tier

8. Restore RS databases to new data tier (optional)

9. Configure Reporting Services to use restored RS databases (optional)

a. Open Reporting Services Configuration Manager

b. Connect to RS instance

c. Database page -> Change Database -> Choose an existing report server database -> Next -> Next -> [Select restored RS databases] -> Next -> Next -> Next -> Finish

d. Web Service URL page -> Change and then unchange the Virtual Directory textbox ‘ReportServer’ so the Apply button gets enabled. Click Apply.

e. Report Manager URL page -> Change and then unchange the Virtual Directory textbox ‘Reports’ so the Apply button gets enabled. Click Apply.

f. Encryption Keys page -> Click ‘Delete’ button to delete encrypted content. Click Yes to the popup.

10. Restore WSS Content database (optional)

11. Attach WSS Content database to SharePoint server (optional)

a. Open cmd window (as Administrator, Change directory to (%commonprogramfiles%\MicrosoftShared\Web Server Extensions\12\bin”)

                       i. stsadm -o addcontentdb -url https://<machineName>/sites -databasename <WssContentDatabaseName> -databaseserver <datatier\instance>

                     ii. stsadm -o addpermissionpolicy -url https://<machineName> -userlogin <currentUser> -permissionlevel "full control"

                                                            iii. iisreset

12. Install TFS.

13. Select Upgrade Wizard.

a. On Reporting Services page, Point to new RS instance

b. On Sharepoint Settings page, Point to new SharePoint server

14. Open Admin Console, click ‘Configure URLs’ on Application Tier page to fix the public URL to reference the local machine. The safe default option is to use 'localhost'.

15. If this is only a test server, you will want to re-stamp TFSso clients do not confuse this server with the live production server. Ignore this step if this is your production server.

a. Tfsservicecontrol quiesce

b. tfsconfig changeserverid /sqlinstance: <dataTierName> /databasename:Tfs_Configuration

c. tfsconfig registerdb /sqlinstance: <dataTierName> /databaseName:Tfs_Configuration

d. tfsservicecontrol unquiesce

e. Open TFS Administration Console, navigate to SharePoint Web Applications node. Select the Web application in the list. Click the 'Repair Connection' link on the right.

16. Fix SharePoint access grants which were broken after restamping TFS in previous step.

a. Open Admin Console, Navigate to SharePoint Web Applications page. Click on local SharePoint Web Applications entry. Click hyperlink ‘Repair Connection’.

17. Update Process Templates to Dev10