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WPF and Silverlight Designer for Visual Studio 2010 FAQ

WPF and Silverlight Designer for Visual Studio 2010 FAQ

  1. Where can I find overview information on the WPF and Silverlight Designer in Visual Studio 2010?

    We recommend the following resources as a good way to get started understanding the new features:

  2. Where do I get the final release of Visual Studio 2010?

    Visual Studio 2010 RTM is available through many routes - see here for details. 

  3. When will I be able to build Silverlight 4 applications with Visual Studio 2010 RTM Build?

    Right now! See this post for details

  4. I installed the Release Candidate of Visual Studio 2010 and am now seeing crashes when editing text (Code, XAML). How can I prevent this?

    You should update to the RTM Release of Visual Studio 2010 - see question 2 above

  5. I'd like to use the new multi-monitor support to open my XAML and Design panes in separate windows, can I achieve that?

    We’d like to add real support for tearing off the two parts of the split view in a future release – meanwhile there are a couple of workarounds:

    If your goal is multi-monitor with code on the right and design surface on the left (for instance), then you can maximize VS2010 across both screens, set the splitter to be VERTICAL (there are buttons in the splitter bar that let you do this), then place the splitter at the join between the two screens (quickest approach)

    If you want more flexibility, you can:

    1. open a second tab group (right click on a tab and open new Vertical Tab Group)
    2. open the XAML as normal in one of the tab groups
    3. open the XAML again using “Open With”…”Source Code Editor”
    4. put the XAML and the designer in different tab groups, maximize the designer in the first, and now you’ve got full, tearable-window, multi-monitor friendly goodness for your XAML and designer views