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New XNA Game Studio 3.0 Samples!

In anticipation of the launch of Xbox LIVE Community Games next Wednesday, November 19th we're doing all we can to help all our creators get their games ready for the world with articles on playtesting and Peer Review.

Many creators are just starting out or still building their masterpieces and Creators Club offers many resources for you, too!

Along with updating all existing content to work with XNA Game Studio 3.0 (including the Spacewar Starter Kit!) this week we'd like to share three new samples!

Localization Sample

This sample shows how to localize an XNA Framework game into multiple languages.

Safe Area Sample

This sample shows how to make an XNA Framework game display correctly on a wide range of different televisions.

Invites Sample

This sample shows how to support invites in a networked XNA Framework game.

If you have questions about these or anything else our incredible MVPs are waiting in the Creators Club forums to answer your questions!