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ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool

The ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool lets you configure different aspects of your ASP.NET website through a simple interface in your web browser. You can use the ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool to setup users and passwords, create roles (groups of users), and create permissions for your website. (For more information about this tool, see Web Site Administration Tool Overview on the MSDN website.)

ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool

For example, you can restrict access to your website to the users you specify in the  ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool and then use the Login controls in Expression Web to design your login and security pages:

Login controls in Toolbox Task Pane

Unfortunately, Expression Web 1.0 doesn’t provide a way to launch the ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool; in fact, if you attempt to launch the tool from Expression Web, a dialog appears stating “The ASP.NET Web site administration service is not supported.” 

But don't believe everything you read in a dialog box! The ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool can be supported in Expression Web with a little help from John Dixon, a test lead on the Expression Web team, who documented a way for you to launch and use the ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool from Expression Web. He’s blogged about it on his blog at Check it out! Thanks John!  


( If you don't want to use John's work-around, you can download and install the free program Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition at and launch the ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool from that program.)