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Building a Community Based Content, one year later….

One year ago we were launching the video below where I talk about the TechNet Wiki:

Lots of things happened throughout this one year and the TechNet Wiki platform got even stronger than it was. A great example of that is the recent publication of an article related to Windows Server “8” Beta directly from product team. This really shows the commitment that Microsoft has with this platform. In order to assist you to evangelize others IT PROs/DEVs on how to use this platform, I’m making available a slide deck that I used in many events where I want to call for engagement on this platform, download the deck from here. I would like also to congratulate the Brazilian community for growing from a couple of hundred articles to more one thousand articles in nine months period. Great job guys!

Other important links:

Let’s keep up the great work and evangelize others to use the platform!


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Good to see yours interview. Best regards to you and Tom