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Forefront Contest Round One: Lessons Learned

imageThe first round of questions of this contest is now closed. We had a total of 16 participants and only two got all answers correct. It was fun to interact with you guys via Twitter and also review your answers; it took me back in the day when I was a University Professor for Computer Networks discipline. There is an interesting pattern that I’ve been noticing since those days, which is: sometimes you miss a question not because you don’t know, but because you didn’t pay full attention to it. Four people didn't realize that in the last question you have to choose two options and selected only one option (next time pay more attention to those details). Another interesting pattern that I notice here was: everybody got the question two correct, which means we have a good foundation identifying TMG’s kernel mode driver, I like that.

As I previously said, this Friday (April 1st) I will be posting the answers for the quiz and will #FF the folks with more points on my twitter. Thanks for playing and start to get prepare for the next round (UAG) that will happen next Monday (April 4th).