June 2008
SAAS: Connect Enterprise Apps with Hosted BizTalk Services
In this article we introduce you to BizTalk Services, new technology that offers the Enterprise Service Bus features of BizTalk Server as a hosted service. Jon Flanders and Aaron Skonnard
Concurrency: Tools And Techniques to Identify Concurrency Issues
Efficient parallel applications aren’t born by merely running an old app on a parallel processor machine. Tuning needs to be done if you’re to gain maximum benefit. Rahul V. Patil and Boby George
Robotics: Simulating the World with Microsoft Robotics Studio
Microsoft Robotics Studio is not just for playing with robots. It also allows you to build service-based applications for a wide range of hardware devices. Sara Morgan
Form Filler: Build Workflows to Capture Data and Create Documents
Learn how to create a workflow that uses InfoPath forms and other office documents for passing data to targeted activities and for use in Office documents. Rick Spiewak
GUI Library: Bring the Simplicity of Windows Forms to Native Apps
In this article, author John Torjo presents a guide to his C++ GUI library called eGUI++ and explains how it makes user interface programming easier. John Torjo
Editor's Note: In Case You Hadn’t Noticed …
Find out what's new for MSDN Magazine, including a print redesign and the introduction of virtual labs on our web site so you can experiment with our code.Howard Dierking
Toolbox: Cross Browser Testing, Mock Objects, and Raymond Chen
This month test your web site on many platforms and browsers without setting up a test environment, use mock objects for unit testing, and visit Raymond Chen.Scott Mitchell
CLR Inside Out: Large Object Heap Uncovered
This month CLR Inside Out reveals the secrets behind the Large Object Heap—what’s there, when it’s released, how the garbage collector handles the objects there.Maoni Stephens
Cutting Edge: ASP.NET AJAX and Client-side Templates.
AJAX is meant to go beyond mere partial page rendering. Find out where Dino Esposito thinks dynamic pages are headed in the future with ASP.NET AJAX.Dino Esposito
Patterns in Practice: The Open Closed Principle
Extending an existing codebase can be as productive and frustration-free as writing all new code when you employ the Open Closed Principle. We'll show you how.Jeremy Miller
Service Station: Building a WCF Router, Part 2.
Here we present a deep look into the workings of Windows Communication Foundation routers, exploring the details of pass-through router implementations.Michele Leroux Bustamante
Foundations: Bitmaps and Pixel Bits
Charles Petzold takes an inside look at the flexible bitmap pixel formats offered by the retained-mode graphics features of Windows Presentation Foundation.Charles Petzold
Windows with C++: Decoding Windows Vista Icons with WIC
In this month's installment, Kenny Kerr sings the praises of the new Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack, which brings modern conveniences to Visual C++.Kenny Kerr
Concurrent Affairs: Simplified APM with the AsyncEnumerator
Here Jeffrey Richter introduces his AsyncEnumerator class, which drives an iterator so that different thread pool threads can execute the same code at different times.Jeffrey Richter
Going Places: Adaptable Apps for Windows Mobile.
We show you the techniques for building adaptable applications that can make the best use of different screens and capabilities on Windows Mobile devices.Michael Saffitz
{ End Bracket }: Election Results Even Voters Can Trust
Surprisingly, cryptography can be applied to the electoral process to allow every individual voter to check the integrity of an election tally. Find out how here.Josh Benaloh