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April 2011 issue

April 2011

Microsoft Azure

Learn about Microsoft Azure Caching Services and Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS).



Azure Development: CQRS on Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure Development: CQRS on Microsoft Azure
Learn how Command Query Responsibility Segregation represents a shift from more classic, three-tier application architecture toward a message-based, asynchronous pattern. We walk you through a reservation booking app to demonstrate how CQRS lends itself to Azure development.
Mark Seemann

Team Foundation Server: Visual Studio TFS Team Project and Collection Guidance

Team Foundation Server: Visual Studio TFS Team Project and Collection Guidance
Microsoft’s expert “Ranger” team presents guidance for organizing and provisioning Team Foundation Server Team Projects and Team Project Collections.
Willy-Peter Schaub and Mike Schimmel

Cloud Cache:Introducing the Azure Caching Service

Cloud Cache:  Introducing the Microsoft Azure Caching Service
Azure Caching service provides an easy-to-use cache in the cloud that you can employ for application data, maintaining session state, and other tasks. We'll show you how to start using the Cache service in your apps today.
Wade Wegner

Introduction to WebMatrix

ASP.NET Web Pages: Introduction to WebMatrix
This new site editor for ASP.NET Web Pages is different from the usual Microsoft product. See how it simplifies everything from site creation to data access to deployment and even Search Engine Optimization.
Clark Sell

Parsing Log Files with F#, MapReduce and Azure

MapReduce in F#: Parsing Log Files with F#, MapReduce and Microsoft Azure
F# is a powerful new dynamic language for .NET developers. We'll show you how powerful by whipping up a MapReduce algorithm in F# for parsing Azure log files.
Noah Gift

Use Bee Colony Algorithms to Solve Impossible Problems

Natural Algorithms: Use Bee Colony Algorithms to Solve Impossible Problems
Simulated Bee Colony (SBC) algorithms model the behavior of honey bees and can be used to find solutions to difficult or impossible combinatorial problems. In this article I explain what exactly SBC algorithms are, describe the types of problems which can be solved using SBC algorithms, and present a complete end-to-end example which uses an SBC algorithm to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem.
James McCaffrey


Editor's Note:
Cancel This!

One man’s journey into the dark heart of a Web site.
Keith Ward

Don't Get Me Started:
The Cat Butt Factor

Do you plan for all contingencies when building your program—including cat butts?
David Platt

UI Frontiers:
Lissajous Animations in Silverlight

The pattern created by the interaction of two sine waves is a Lissajous curve – you've probably seen one on an oscilloscope. We'll show you how to make one in Silverlight for the Web or Windows Phone 7.
Charles Petzold

Cutting Edge:
Give Your Classes a Software Contract

With the .NET Framework 4, software contracts are available and even integrated with Visual Studio. We show you the benefits of a contact-first approach, such as code maintainability and ease of development.
Dino Esposito

Data Points:
Composing WPF DataGrid Column Templates for a Better User Experience

Julie Lerman struggled for days with some vexing user experience problems related to the WPF DataGrid, so she’s saving you the bother by explaining how she solved them.
Julie Lerman

Mobile Matters
Windows Phone Navigation, Part 2: Advanced Recipes

Following up on last month’s examination of basic Windows Phone navigation techniques, we now present step-by-step instructions for more advanced scenarios.
Jaime Rodriguez

F# Tools and Resources

F# is a new functional, type-safe programming language for the .NET Framework. It may be a relatively young language, but F# has quickly developed a cult following within the programming community. Here's a guide to the tools and resources that will help you get started.
Terrence Dorsey